30Days30Characters: Day 11- Batgirl

This is the last entry for comics week. Starting with my next post, I  will be starting a new theme. I have enjoyed putting these all together over the last week. Life has been hectic, and this weekend I had a few things that happened that threw the whole thing off. I am trying to correct that and hopefully I will be back on track for this upcoming week. In any case, here is the entry for day 11.

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30Days30Characters: Day 10- Nightwing

We are officially one-third of the way through the month of november. We have also almost made it through the first full themed week. I have enjoyed putting together this list and highlighting a favorite comics character of mine throughout the week. I thought it would be a good time to highlight what this list is. This is not a  countdown of my all time favorites, so if there was a comics character I didn’t mention this week, it doesn’t mean I don’t like them. It just means they weren’t on this list this year. Maybe we’ll do this again next year.

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30Days30Characters: Day 9-Thor

In comics, it’s not uncommon for creators to take a mythical or legendary figure and turn them into superhero or villain. Hercules and Ares are a couple of examples. These are fun characters, and it is interesting to see how the comic creators tie their ancient stories in with modern lore. It seems like an easy, yet effective way to create a new hero. You have a back story already, a cast of characters, including a main bad guy. It works. None of them have been as successful, though, as today’s character.

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30Days30Characters: Day 8- Green Arrow

If you like comics, you are typically either a Marvel person or a DC person.You could be neither and prefer Valiant or Image, but DC and Marvel are the two big publishers. Most people prefer one over the other. I enjoy Marvel quite a bit, and through different phases of my life I have bought more Marvel than DC. However, overall, I consider myself a DC guy. I don’t know why, but I have always been drawn more to the DC characters than the Marvel characters. So, yes I have talked about two Marvel characters this week, and only one DC. Now it is time to even that up.

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30Days30Characters: Day 7- Wonder Woman

As I was putting together this list, and thinking of some of my favorite characters, I began to notice that I was missing some pretty incredible female characters. I don’t think it was on purpose, and I don’t think of myself as an overly sexist person. Obviously, though, it was a problem. My first thought was that there just aren’t that many great female characters, but that’s only half-true. Really, I was just being dumb. So, it’s a week into it, and finally, here is my first heroine on the list.

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30Days30Characters: Day 6- Spider-Man

As I put together this list of characters, I had to decide what kind of list this would be. I knew it would not be a countdown type list. Sometimes it’s hard to do a countdown and rank something. It’s hard to quantifiably say this character is better than this character. At different times in my life different characters have meant different things. What was important to me in high school is typically less important to me now. A few characters still mean the same to me, and some characters mean a lot to me now, but for different reasons than when I was a kid. Today’s character fits in that category- he meant a lot to me when I was younger and means a lot to me now, but for totally different reasons.

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30Days30Characters: Day 5-Captain America

Happy Sunday, everyone. Today marks the beginning of the first full week of themed posts in this series. I broke my list of characters down into four different categories: characters from comics, from TV shows, movies, and from books. Of course, for many of these characters they have appeared in two or more of these different media. For example Superman has been in comics, movies TV, and even books (actual novels), not to mention radio programming as well. For the purposes of this series, I have tried to have categorized these characters primarily in the type of media where they started. So, for my first entry in the comics category…

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30Days30Characters: Day 4- Samwise Gamgee

November is starting to fly by for me. I think going through this list of characters I put together and listing why they have meant something for me has been a lot of fun and has contributed to the month going so quickly. It will be Thanksgiving before I know it. It has also been fun to start seeing some of the reactions to my list of 30 characters. Starting tomorrow, each week will have a specific medium from which the characters will be drawn. This upcoming week will be comics. To finish out this week, though, it’s one of my all time favorite characters of any medium.

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30Days30Characters: Day 3- Captain Jean Luc Picard

Day number three brings us the first television character on the list. It was so hard for me to narrow my list down to just 30 characters, because there are so many great characters throughout all of film and TV and books and comics. It was especially hard with TV, because there are so many shows I enjoy, and a lot of that has to do with the characters on the show. I hope you have enjoyed the first two days of the list, and I hope you will continue to come back each day and see the newest addition. Remember to join in as well with your own list on social media using the hashtag #30Days30Characters and tag me- @thegeekymormon.

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30Days30Characters: Day 2- Kaladin Stormblessed

Here we are, day number two for our 30Days30Characters. Full weeks will have a theme, like next week is Superheroes. For these first few days, though, I am talking about miscellaneous characters- just a few of my very favorite characters. Yesterday was Superman, and it was fun to put it together. Make sure you are following me on social media to be alerted when each new post goes up on the site. You won’t want to miss a single day. Feel free to join in the action on social media as well. Who would be your 30 Characters? Make sure to use the hashtag #30Days30Characters, and feel free to tag me as well- @thegeekymormon.

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