30Days30Characters: Day 1- Superman

November is upon us, and it seems like every year I see more and more people doing the 30 days of gratitude, which is awesome. I am in no way against the idea of more and more people being grateful for the blessings in their lives, but it got me thinking. How could I tie this idea into the blog? Then it hit me. I could take the month of November to list some characters in film, TV, comics, and books that I am grateful for. So, that’s what I’m doing. This isn’t a list of my 30 favorite characters or a count down, but just a list of 30 characters that mattered to me and a short reason why.

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Extinct- A Review

In a bold move from BYUtv, the new epic SciFi series, Extinct, premiered this weekend. I say bold, because it is unlike anything BYUtv has done up to this point. This is a genuine effort on their part to put together what looks like and, at times, feels like a very legitimate science fiction series. This is beyond anything they have accomplished so far. A huge departure from their typical “reality” Tv shows or their very popular sketch comedy. But is it good?

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That We May Be One: A Review

This is a review of a book I received for free from the publisher. All they asked for in return was a review of the book.

See that little bit at the top? I just want to be clear that I did receive this book for free, but I also want to point out that I volunteered to read this book and write a review. I was interested in it, and honestly would have read it anyway. They just wanted a review, but gave me no direction on what to say in my review. I feel fine saying what I am going to write here is unbiased.

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NaNoWriMo Part 1: The Inspiration

NaNoWriMo is coming up in November. For those of you who may not know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it is a real thing. No, seriously. It has its own web site and everything: NaNoWriMo.org. It happens every November, and the whole purpose is to get people writing books. To “win,” all you need too do is write a 50,000 word “novel” during the 30 days of November. That’s it.

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Liz’s Goodbye: Some Spiritual Lessons from Fandom

If you haven’t heard by now, Jake has decided that The Geeky Mormon needs to go in a new direction, and as me contributing articles does not fit with his vision for the site, I will no longer be writing. For the time being, plan on me still writing, but exclusively for my personal blog, The Jedi in Jeans. It was a pleasure writing for The Geeky Mormon and sharing all of my geeky thoughts with you. Before I go, here are a few things I want to share with you that I have learned from both my interests in sci-fi and fantasy, and from my faith as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in other words, from being a Geeky Mormon. I won’t elaborate on some of the themes too much. A picture’s worth a thousand words, so I will include pictures/quotes from our favorite stories as well as appropriate scripture references. I may very well have addressed some of these themes in my other posts. Other than that, I will leave the interpretation to you.

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A New First Post

This is going to be a different post compared to what I have written in the past. Consider it a new “first post.” You know what I mean, the first post a blogger does when they start a blog, explaining what the content will be like and introducing themselves. That’s kind of what this will be, even though this blog has been around for a while now. June 18, 2014 was the original first post. Since that time, we have had over 300 posts published to the site and along the way, the style and content has evolved.

And along the way, I have grown Continue reading

The Marvel Movie Villain We Need

Looking at the last ten years of Marvel movies, we’ve been through a lot of villains. A lot of them didn’t last more than one fight with the main character.

It’s not that I don’t trust the Russo Brothers (or that I don’t want to trust them). And it’s not that I don’t think that Thanos doesn’t have potential to be a GREAT villain in Avengers: Infinity War. But it is very hard to not buy into the online fandom rhetoric that Thanos hasn’t really done anything to show that he means business.  He is willing to work with dangerous people to get what he wants. He technically ruined the lives of both Gamora and Nebula. And I don’t underestimate the amount of damage Thanos could do with a loaded Infinity Gauntlet. But most of what we know about Thanos in the MCU is by reputation.

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Lizy’s Top 7 Han Solo Moments

Let me explain something to you about my feelings for Star Wars: Yes, I do like the Prequels. But that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the Original Trilogy. Oh no, far from it. And that doesn’t mean I don’t get a kick out of the eloquent Han Solo, skipper of the Millennium Falcon.

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The Three Faces of Supergirl

Before I begin, I just want to say a few words about season 2 of Supergirl. In fact this whole post has spoilers—look at it as kind of a review mixed with thematic discussion. I highly recommend that you do not continue reading if you haven’t seen it yet, but if you have or do not care, just go ahead. I won’t judge.

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The Rebellion Before ‘A New Hope’: An Analysis

I heard it said recently that Rogue One: A Star Wars story didn’t have an opening crawl because it was, in effect, the story behind the opening crawl of Episode IV: A New Hope. The “first victory” of the Rebellion over the Empire was the battle fought at Scarif. Scarif was the first in a series of events including Princess Leia’s capture, the destruction of Alderaan, and the battle of Yavin that marked the start of the Galactic Civil War. After Yavin, the Rebel Alliance was a primarily military group fighting an open war against the Empire. If you paid attention to Rogue One, HOWEVER, you may have noticed that this was not the case beforehand.

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