Another week is in the books, and we are bringing back our “This Week in Geek” feature. In this feature we are going to take a look at a few of the stories that happened this week in the world of Geek. We aren’t a news site, so this won’t necessarily be a comprehensive list, just a few highlights. If you see a story throughout the week that you think should be featured here, then send it along to me and I will include it. You can send it directly to [email protected]. Alright, let’s get to This Week in Geek.

Captain America: Civil War Teams Revealed in New Promo Art


Marvel has released new promo art this week which reveals who is going to be on each team. Or, at least we assume it reveals who is going to be on each team since the two sides are lined up in the classic “we’re going to fight now” pose in the artwork. On team Iron Man we have Black Widow, Black Panther, War Hammer (Apparently, this War Machine’s new name. He really just needs to pick a name and stick with it), and Vision. Team Cap is Ant-Man, Bucky, Hawkeye, Agent Carter (Sharon, not Peggy), and Falcon. No really big surprises on either team. A couple of things that are interesting, though. Originally the rumor was that Black Panther was not going to be aligned with either side, but this artwork puts him clearly on Tony’s team. Also, Widow and Hawkeye are on opposite sides. I am not surprised to see Hawkeye on Cap’s side, though, especially if part of what is driving the war is whether these super heroes can keep their secret identities, or if they have to register with the government. Hawke has a family he has to keep safe. No Spider-Man, so we may have to wait until the movie before we see him. He may also be the neutral party, having to choose between the two sides.

Supergirl/Flash Crossover Happening Much Sooner than We Thought


When Supergirl was announced as a new project from the same producers who brought us The Flash,  fans immediately began wondering if Supergirl was taking place in the “Arrowverse,” and if there would be the possibility of her character crossing over into either series, or the possibility of Flash or Green Arrow crossing over into her series. Originally, it seemed like it was not going to happen, at least not in her first season. They wanted to build her character up, and tell her story. If it was going to happen at all, it seemed like it would be pushed back to at least season 2. This week, though, we found out that it was happening this season, and we even got a date: March 28. On that day, The Flash will be showing up in National City. We don’t know a lot of additional details, but the fact it is happening is so cool. This confirms that they are in the same universe (or it will confirm that they are not, if Flash has to travel to another part of the Multiverse, and we learn that Supergirl is on, like Earth 3, or something. He is already going to Earth 2 this week). This was probably the highlight of the week for me.

New Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Footage Drops


New footage dropped this week for the upcoming Harry Potter “prequel” (I prefer to think of it as more of a spin-off, unless it has something to with Harry’s story). This more than just the little teaser we got late last year. We get to see a few more characters and get to hear more from the stars and from the director. There is so much potential for this film to get it all right. JK Rowling wrote the screenplay, so it is her story. David Yates, who directed the final four Harry Potter Films is directing this film. That is huge. I have always felt that the last four films seem to feel more cohesive and consistent than the first four, and that cohesiveness and consistency will continue in this film. One other thing that seems interesting to me is that all the wizards and witches in this film are adults, which makes sense because all the original Potterheads are adults now. Rowling’s audience is maturing, so should her characters. If you want more reasons to be excited about this film, check out Liz’s recent post listing fifteen of them.

Matt Smith Returns to Salt Lake’s FanX


It was announced this week that Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor will be returning to Salt Lake City this Spring for Salt Lake Comic Con’s FanX 2016. The dates he will be here have not yet been announced, but they have announced that he will be participating in the Ultimate Doctor Who Experience, along with Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, and Alex Kingston. Most likely it will be a paid panel. This is big news. He must have enjoyed his last trip, since he is coming back again this year. FanX 2016 takes place March 24-26, 2016 in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Salt Palace Convention center. More details and ticket buying information can be found at the Salt Lake Comic Con website.

That wraps up this week’s edition of This Week in Geek. What did you think? Were there any major stories I missed? What is the story you are most excited about? Let us know in the comments below, or send us feedback directly at [email protected].


Jake Dietz
Jake Dietz is a father, husband, Latter-day Saint, movie lover, and all around geek. He considers himself a member of many fandoms including The Cosmere by Brandon Sanderson, The Lord of the Rings, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Star Trek, Star Wars, and many, many more. If it has a good story, Jake is interested in it.


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