Author Archives: Jake Dietz

About Jake Dietz

Jake Dietz is a humble bank employee by day, and super dad to 5 little monsters by night. He enjoys all things geeky. That's why he started this blog. He considers himself a member of many fandoms, and dreams of the day when all geeks, everywhere, can find a way to live together in harmony.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review

Following the success of 2014’s Guardians of the GalaxyMarvel wasted no time putting together a follow-up. Ever since Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was announced, the anticipation from fans has been building. Could the sequel live up to the fun and pure entertainment of the original? Or was the original an example of almost impossible to duplicate lightning in a bottle? Read on to find out as I present my spoiler free review of GOTG Vol. 2.

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National Superhero Day- 10 Favorite Superheroes

Today, April 28, is National Superhero Day. Right now, it is one of those made up holidays, but it should be a real national holiday. To celebrate, I have put together a list of 10 of my favorite superhero characters. Read on to find out who made my list this time around, and then let me know what your list would be.

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Bill, We Barely Knew Thee

Everything is changing for Doctor Who after this current season. New show runner, new Doctor, new everything, including a new companion. While I am sad to see Capaldi go, and I have mixed emotions about seeing Moffat go, the real tragedy is that Bill is also going.

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Summer Movies Trailerpalooza

Summer is right around the corner, and that means it is movie time. A couple of years back, it looked like this year was going to be epic. It looks like it is set up to not disappoint. In the past few weeks, we have been graced by the arrival of a number of trailers for some upcoming Summer movies. Some have looked amazing, some have not. The following list is by no means comprehensive, but it is a list of trailers for some of the movies coming out this summer (year). Aside from these upcoming movies, there are a few films I cannot wait to watch coming to some of the premium channels this summer too! Premium channels are a great way to enjoy some of the latest movies in the comfort of your own home. To learn more about some of the premium channels offered by internet service providers like Eatel, click this link. So, what has caught my eye for this summer?

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What Makes an Enduring Fandom

What makes an enduring fandom? From Star Trek and Star Wars, to Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, what makes a fandom lasting and persisting? Why do some fandoms garner such a huge following, while other fandoms simply fall away? I think there are many factors, but for me, two of the biggest draws are the story and the characters. If those two factors are solid, I think a fandom has a chance of lasting a good long time.

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Preparing to Say Good-bye to Number 12

The rumors have been swirling ever since Moffat announced that he would be leaving Doctor Who at the end of this upcoming g series. It started with the BBC supposedly wanting to usher in new show runner, Chris Chibnall’s era with a brand new Doctor. Of course, the theory was that they wanted a younger, more heart throbby Doctor to win back some of the fans they had lost with Capaldi.

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Hello 2017

Someone compared the end of 2016, or maybe just the whole year, to the Battle at Helm’s Deep in Lord of the Rings. This is one of my favorite parts of the film series. It is one of my favorite battle scenes in any film I have seen. Besides being a great action sequence, it is a pivotal moment in the story. During this battle it seems totally hopeless for the people of Rohan. They are outnumbered and outgunned, as it were. The elves come to help, but they still have all the odds stacked against them. There is a moment where you can see that even Theoden has lost all hope, when he orders them to fall back to the Hornburg. He has given up.

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It’s December, and the Doctor is Back (Finally)

It’s been a long time since we have had new Doctor Who. It will be exactly one year when the new Christmas special airs. In all fairness, this year may have felt really long to those of us who are “new” to the series. Let’s remember, thought, that from May of 1996 until March of 2005 there was nothing. No Doctor Who on TV for nearly ten years. The last episode before the 1996 TV movie was aired in 1989. Our little one year break is really nothing.

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10 Favorite Halloween Movies

Halloween is just around the corner, and maybe you are looking for something fun or a little bit spooky to watch to pass the time on these crisp fall evenings. This is a list of some of my favorite movies to watch this time of year.

The first thing you should know about me is that I am absolutely a wimp when it comes to Halloween movies. I don’t like scary and I don’t like bloody or gory. So maybe that makes this a pretty weak list, but it’s what I enjoy. Nevertheless, if you’re not so satisfied with the list below, you could also search for horror movie suggestions on sites like HellHorror (to know more, click on

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My 10 Favorite Movies

Recently, Tim Champlin tweeted me and asked if I could do a list of my ten favorite movies. I thought it sounded like a great idea, so I jumped at the opportunity to do it. Before I get into this list, I want to set a few ground rules. First, these are my favorite movies. I don’t know how to quantify “favorite,” but I do know that it is not the same as a list of the ten best movies. Some of these movies may not be great, but they are movies I could sit and watch again and again, for the most part. Also, you can’t argue someone’s favorite movies. You just can’t. Another rule I set for myself was limiting myself to one movie per series. Otherwise, this list would be nothing but Star Trek, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings. That would be boring. So, in no particular order, here is my list.

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