Halloween is just around the corner, and maybe you are looking for something fun or a little bit spooky to watch to pass the time on these crisp fall evenings. This is a list of some of my favorite movies to watch this time of year.
The first thing you should know about me is that I am absolutely a wimp when it comes to Halloween movies. I don’t like scary and I don’t like bloody or gory. So maybe that makes this a pretty weak list, but it’s what I enjoy. Nevertheless, if you’re not so satisfied with the list below, you could also search for horror movie suggestions on sites like HellHorror (to know more, click on https://hellhorror.com).
The Nightmare Before Christmas

One of the biggest reasons I look forward to Halloween each year is that I get an opportunity to watch this show again. I love it. It’s not just one of my favorite Halloween movies or Christmas movies, but one of my favorite movies in general. The music is fantastic and the animation is beautiful. Stop motion animation is just one of the most amazing arts out there, and this some of the best. Special bonus this year is that my son Jak is dressing as Jack Skellington for Halloween. I am so proud.
The Corpse Bride

This movie came out in the fall of 2005. I know that, because my wife and I went on our first date on September 30, 2005. I don’t remember what date number it was when we went together to see this film (I think it was after an institute class), but I do know that it was during this movie that we held hands for the first time. It has been one of our favorite Halloween movies ever since.

This is a must watch every year. It is also about as scary as I can stand. Like I said, I am a wimp. This has everything a movie should have. A great script, a great cast, and lots of fun. I grew up watching this every year, and now I make my kids watch it every year. Well, the oldest one, anyway. Great movie.
Young Frankenstein

My parents would watch this every year, and it would be on, and I just always thought it was a really old show because it was black and white (that’s how I gauged an old movie when I was a kid). I didn’t get the appeal until I was older, and I definitely didn’t get all the humor. Now that I am older, I can see what my parents love about this movie. For us, this is the Christmas Vacation of Halloween movies.
Van Helsing

Let’s be totally honest, here. This is a horrible movie. It may be one of the worst movies I have ever seen, but I still love it. Call it a guilty pleasure This movie was basically Wolverine versus every monster Universal has the rights to. It was all action, all special effects and zero story. This is the ultimate bad popcorn flick. It makes a favorites list, but would never make a best of list.
Monster House

Another great animated movie. This one is just a lot of fun. Everything about this movie screams Halloween. The good clean fun Halloween. Kids dressing up in costumes, going out to Trick-or-Treat, and of course face a giant monster house. This was a great story and I love watching it with or without my kids.
Arsenic and Old Lace

This is an absolute classic. The first time I saw this was as a play. My uncle was playing the lead, and I fell in love with the story. Then I found out there was a movie starring Cary Grant. Then I learned it was directed by Frank Capra, and I had to see it. This is a great movie to watch Halloween, if you like older, classic films. If the name Fran Capra doesn’t sound familiar, I am sure you have heard of another holiday classic he directed: It’s a Wonderful Life.

This is one of the greatest Sci-Fi movies of all time. The main reason I loved this movie as a kid was because E.T., the most lovable alien of all time, scared the heck out of my sister. She was terrified of the sweet, lovable little guy. I also loved it because of the story and the adventure. Plus, the nod to Star Wars, where E.T. runs into a kid dressed as Yoda. Love it.
Edward Scissorhands

This is the first movie I remember being a Tim Burton movie, if that makes sense. It may not have been the first Tim Burton I ever saw (I think that may have been Pee Wee), but it was the first one I remember being aware of as a Tim Burton movie. This movie really is classic Burton. It is dark and quirky, and some people can’t see past that. At the core, though, is a story with a lot of heart.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

When I was a kid, I thought this was a Disney original. I had no idea this was based on a legend or classic story. To me, this is the version of Sleepy Hollow I remember the best and with the most fondness. It is fun and just scary enough to make my kids jump when they watch it. It’s always fun to watch.
So, there’s a list for you. Some fun movies to watch this Halloween. What are some of the classic Halloween movies you watch each year? Let me know in the comments, or you can send your feedback to me directly at [email protected].