Fathers Day is this weekend, which means many of you are probably looking to spend a little quality time with dear old dad. Of all the movies I have enjoyed over the years, some of my favorites center around dads. There is just something special for me about that relationship between father and son, being both a father and a son. So, if you are looking for a great father themed film to watch this weekend, take a look at these five.

The Incredibles

So, Disney films have not always been kind to parents. Most of the time, the parents are either not present, or dead. There are story reasons for this, and I get it. The Incredibles, however, bucks that trend by celebrating families, parents and all. In the end, Mr. Incredible realizes he is stronger because of his family and with his family, than he could ever be alone. He is the kind of father I would want to be- do everything I can to protect and provide for my family, but teaching them to be strong enough to help themselves and each other. Plus, the moment when he thinks his family is dead, and he just gives up and he looks broken- makes me cry every time. EVERY. TIME. If you can’t get out this weekend to see the sequel, spend some time with the original (maybe my favorite Pixar movie. And by maybe I mean definitely this is my favorite.)

Back to the Future

Aside from time travel and a really cool car (the coolest 80s movie car), at its core, Back to the Future is all about family. Specifically, a father and son. We all think our parents are dorks (not my kids of course, they think I’m cool). This movie reminds us that maybe they’re not quite as weird as we thought.

Field of Dreams

For me, this is probably the ultimate Fathers Day movie. For a lot of reasons. This is one of my dad’s favorite movies. It’s a sports movie, which I love. And it’s all about dad. If you build it, he will come.  Not Shoeless Joe, but his dad. Then when he has a catch with his dad at the end, again, I cry every time. EVERY. TIME. About eight years ago, I had the opportunity to stop in Iowa, with my dad to see the actual field of dreams. We even had a catch. Greatest moment of my life. Or at least top ten.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

This is my favorite of the Indiana Jones movies. A big reason why is the chemistry between Indiana and his dad. Also, up until this point I had always just assumed that Indiana was his given name, and not a nickname. Who knew he was named after the dog? One of my favorite all time movies, and perfect for Fathers Day.

Big Fish

I love this movie so much. There is something that happens as you grow up. When you’re a kid, there’s a certain magic and mystique about your parents. They  are legends in your mind. Then you get older and some of that wears away. They aren’t what you always thought. I think this movie explores that in an interesting way. In the end, I think you reach a point where you realize maybe your parents are pretty amazing after all.

There you have, five fun movies to choose from for your Fathers Day welcome. In any case, I hope you have a great weekend.

Plus One- Guardians of the Galaxy, vol. 2

So, I dropped the ball, and got called on it by a reader- Thanks Blair Einfeldt for keeping me on track:

I loved Guardians of the Galaxy, the original and the sequel, and as Blair points out in his tweets, it does a great job of defining other types of fathers- Yondu specifically. I agree 100 %. So, I dropped the ball when I didn’t include this one.

Jake Dietz
Jake Dietz is a father, husband, Latter-day Saint, movie lover, and all around geek. He considers himself a member of many fandoms including The Cosmere by Brandon Sanderson, The Lord of the Rings, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Star Trek, Star Wars, and many, many more. If it has a good story, Jake is interested in it.


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