I have been looking forward to this week since I started this series of blog posts at the beginning of the month. There are so many TV characters that I love, and it is interesting to look back on how my tastes have changed over the years. For instance, there was a time when I just didn’t get the appeal of Doctor Who. I saw it on late nights on PBS, but I just never got it. More and more people were talking about it, so I tried to give it another shot, and found a new favorite character.
The Doctor

The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. He has been traveling the universe throughout space and time for over 1000 years. He is a protector. He is a warrior. He is a friend. The Doctor has quickly become one of my all time favorite characters. He doesn’t carry a gun, yet everyone in the Universe fears being on the other side in a conflict against him. He has regenerated multiple times (the above picture is from his 12th regeneration, and he will be regenerating soon into his 13th, and there is also the War regeneration, as well as a second 10th, and the math gets all fuzzy), but each regeneration has still been the same at the core.
Why The Doctor?
At the beginning of one the most recent seasons, he poses the questions: Am I a good man? I think we all ask this question about ourselves from time to time. We focus on all of our short comings, all of the ways we have failed or maybe we feel like we have failed on an almost daily basis. He sees the people he has lost, the people he has killed, and begins to wonder if he is a good man.
We all do this. I can sit here and think of all the things I have messed up. All the things I mess up all the time. I think of the mistakes I have made. The things I wish I could back and do over. We each do this and miss the good we do in the world and in the lives of our friends and families. None of us are perfect, but by and large, we are good people.
The Doctor is good people too. He is trying to do the best he can to save the universe, and sometimes he makes mistakes. Sometimes he pays a heavy price, but always he is trying to do good. The Doctor has taught me to always try to do good. To work through the mistakes we all make, and to come out better on the other side. Never give up, just keep going. There are times when it looks like there is now way he will come through, but he does because he doesn’t quit. To answer his question, yes, he is a good man. Or woman, as the case will soon be. A good person. That’s why I love the Doctor.
30 Days 30 Characters
This week is all about seven characters I love from various TV shows. It was fought to narrow it down to just seven, but it was also a lot of fun to put the list together, and I look forward to writing about the next five characters. If you missed the last post, it was about Benjamin Sisko and you can click here to check it out. Be sure to continue to follow me on social media as I work through the remaining TV characters and the last few characters in the series- we are 2/3 of the way through. Wow.