A unique stand-alone by George Lucas, ‘Willow’ is a rip-roaring fantasy about an everyday dad who finds an opportunity to save his world and become a magician.  It’s a good time for the Geeky Mormon to revisit this fantasy classic (and lowkey remind Mr. Farr and Mr. Brandenburg that we would really like Warwick Davis to come to Salt Lake Comic Con sometime, just sayin’).

  1. Willow Ufgood is a genius Yes he has magic (that he is still in the process of learning). But he also has logic and a handy disappearing pig trick up his sleeve. He’s a tough guy who knows how to stand up for himself and what he believes in. And he is an expert bluffer. He’s a reminder that it isn’t always brawn that makes a hero—sometime’s its brain. And Heart.

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2. Willow is the ultimate heroic family man Leaving his home to protect Elora and standing up to Bavmorda? He does it all for his family and his village. The catch: he wanted nothing to do with the baby in the first place!

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3. Elora Denan is such a cute baby! And she’s also super chill, I mean, a lot of crazy stuff happens to her and Willow but she doesn’t cry unless she’s separated from her guardian.

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4. We’ve got an awesome music score by James Horner AKA the guy who did the scores for James Cameron’s films Titanic and Avatar. Just on-point for an action-adventure/fantasy film

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5. The dialogue is on point “You started spouting poetry!” “I thought you were a woman, Arik!” “If only I had a sword! If only you’d quit talking about it.’” “Lose your skirt?” “You are mine to torment.” “She’s the future empress of Tir-Asleen, and the last thing she’s going to want is a hairy chest!”  

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Finding Fairies

6. Madmartigan is a lit swordsman “You are great” Fair warning, Willow: put him in a room full of weapons and armor, he will turn into a total dork…And under duress he may chicken out. 

(but seriously, though, he is a great swordsman)

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7. Bavmorda is a hardcore Evil Queen And her only problem in life: all she needs to do to secure her rule is to destroy a helpless baby. Should be a piece of cake, right? LOL no.

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BlueLine Portal

8. Arik and Madmartigan’s friendship “Win this war for me” Friendship goals summarized in five words. And Arik is totally one of those Underrated Supporting Characters™.

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9. LOVE POTION  “Your eyes…your whiskers’”

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10. Sorsha x Madmartigan Love potion or no, they are a ship worth sailing. There is a certain vibe you get from couples that start out hating each other and then fall in love that you don’t get from the other kind. Sorsha is a hardcore warrior in her own right, and Madmartigan respects that. Plus, the way they hook up during the battle—with the right guy, I would totally do that (the operative words here being “right guy”)

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Bonus: my favorite line:

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Lizy Cole
Lizy Cole is originally from San Antonio, Texas but also has strong ties to Arizona. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s degree in English. She enjoys reading, writing, and being a fangirl. Her current big fandoms are Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


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