Today, April 28, is National Superhero Day. Right now, it is one of those made up holidays, but it should be a real national holiday. To celebrate, I have put together a list of 10 of my favorite superhero characters. Read on to find out who made my list this time around, and then let me know what your list would be.
10. Aquaman

As a card-carrying member of the Aquaman Appreciation Society, of course the King of the Sea would make my list. He gets a bad rap, but he does way more than talk to fish. Plus, with the upcoming Justice League film, he’s getting a killer new look and I think a whole new fan base.
9. Batgirl

This one is a favorite of one of my daughters. She loves Batgirl, and to be honest, I do too. She is a great compliment to Batman, and is an awesome hero in her own right. She is hugely popular right now with DC Superhero Girls and The LEGO Batman Movie.
8. Thor

I have always been drawn to Thor, even before he showed up in his own movie and then The Avengers. My family comes from Scandinavia, so the mythology has always interested me. Then, when I learned there was a superhero version of Thor, I was hooked.
7. Green Lantern

There is something just classic and nostalgic about Hal Jordan as the Green Lantern. He just has a good, clean look to him. Plus, I love the cosmic nature of the Green Lantern Corps. He has been through a lot, but Hall is still one of my favorites.
6. Captain America

Let’s assume that Marvel will eventually get this whole Hail Hydra, Secret Empire thing worked out. Let’s hope they haven’t written themselves into a corner, and they haven’t permanently erased everything Cap has ever stood for by making him a neo-nazi. If that’s the case, Cap might move up on my list. If not, he might move down or off the list.
5. The Flash

He’s fast. He’s all in red. He has the best quips and sense of humor out of all the members of the Justice League. What’s not to like? Barry Allen is a great, classic character.
4. Wonder Woman

When I was kid, I pretty much thought of Wonder Woman as the girl version of Superman. Like She-Ra was the girl version of He-Man. It was an oversimplification, because she is a character all her own. She has a complex back story and a different world view than anyone else. I can’t wait to meet her again on the big screen. Did I mention she was by far the best character in Batman v. Superman?
3. Nightwing

I have never really liked Batman. I think the concept is cool, but he is just too dark and brooding for me. That’s why Nightwing has always worked so well for me. Same concept, less brooding. Plus, he will finally be making a live action TV debut with the newly announce Titans series coming up.
2. Spider-Man

Peter Parker is just an average guy, who goes out, feels like everything is falling apart, and he is just a failure, but he probably isn’t failing as much as he thinks he is, and really he’s doing fine, even though life punches him in the face a lot. He still gets out of bed, though. Every day. Who can’t identify with that.
1. Superman

Yep. He is my favorite. I’m not going to apologize for it.
Well, there’s my list. Who is on your list? Let me know in the Facebook comments or in the comments below. Be sure to like The Geeky Mormon on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.