Welcome to the inaugural edition of Fave Fives. Each week I am going to take five somethings from whatever our topic is and list them here. I’ll give a little explanation about what I have selected and why, but then I am just going to list the five whatevers. Just a nice and easy little end to the week. Maybe you will agree with my picks, maybe you won’t, and that’s ok. Like I said, these are my favorites. Mostly this will be just a list with photos, and hopefully fun.
I said it clear back in my post on Monday, that one of the things that I love about The Last Jedi is the development of some of the characters. This film takes on a journey that takes our characters to the depths of failure, but sets them all up to overcome and eventually triumph. Sometimes the struggles we go through enable us to accomplish more than we could have if we didn’t have them to begin with. Yeah, that sentence seems clear as mud. What I’m saying is that our failures and struggles can define us and refine us as much as anything else we might experience. Maybe even more. Each of these characters goes through some kind of failure, but they learn from it and move forward. They don’t dwell on the failures.
So who did I pick for this list? Kylo Ren who was able to take his failure at the end of The Force Awakens and becomes more powerful, in some ways, than the grandfather he idolized. Luke Skywalker who had just spent years hiding from his failures, then shows up at the end as the powerful Jedi Master we all knew he was. Rey who is looking for her family, but finds herself. Poe Cameron who fails as a leader, only to emerge one fo the top leaders of the resistance. Rose because everyone should love Rose.
Kylo Ren

Luke Skywalker


Poe Dameron
