Dear Reader,

Coming to you from the Geek Capital of the World, Salt Lake City, Utah, I am Jake Dietz.! This blog is a blog filled with  thoughts and opinions and reviews on a myriad of geeky subjects. I consider myself a member of many fandoms including Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Marvel, DC and who knows what else. Living here in Salt Lake, there seems to always be something geeky happening, even if it is just looking forward to FanX or Dragonsteel Nexus. Chances are, if something geeky is happening, I’ll have an opinion and this is where I will share it. I welcome any feedback, whether it be in our comments section or through our contact form. You can also follow me on Facebook, X, Instagram, or subscribe to my podcasts, Movies That Make Us and Age of Geek, or all 4 if you want (That’s what I would pick). You can also subscribe directly to my blog via email, which would totally rock as well. Remember, each new follower helps us spread the good word that is geekdom. An important point here is that while I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the content on this site is really for anyone. This site is not affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and it contains my opinions only and should not be taken as representative of the official beliefs or doctrines of the Church. For more info on the Church itself, please click here. Thank you for reading this page and all of my posts on the site. I hope you enjoy it.

Best Regards,

Jake Dietz, the geeky Latter-day Saint


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