Tag Archives: Marvel

3 Things I Want to See Now That Spidey’s Home

Amazing_Spider-Man_Vol_3_1_Mhan_Variant_TextlessYesterday, Marvel announced that they had reached a deal with Sony that would bring Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and of course the internet went crazy for it. This is big, big news. This goes beyond a supposed email chain or rumors about some “Spidey Summit,” this is official from Marvel. It’s really happening, and that’s really cool. I know that it’s only really been recently that Spider-Man had been part of the Avengers in the comics, but I still want to see it happen. Plus, whether he is a permanent member or not, just having him around in the universe will feel good. He is where he belongs. Now ultimately, Sony gets all the distribution rights and the final creative say on the Spider-Man movies, but let’s hope they’re smart about it and let Marvel do all the heavy lifting, while they reap all the benefits. Now that he’s home, there are 3 things I would like to see happen with the character in the MCU.

1. No Origin Movie

_1420258801Raise your hand if you don’t know the origin story of how Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man? I would imagine that no one is raising their hand right now. In the last 15 years we have seen the origin of Spider-Man twice on the big screen. Two summer blockbuster films have established for us that he gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gets his powers. We all also know that he doesn’t stop a thief, who he could have, but it wasn’t his problem. Said thief then murders his Uncle Ben. He learns that with great power comes great responsibility. We all know this, and we don’t need to see it in another 2 hour+ film. I am hoping that we won’t see it. According to the deal, Spider-Man will be appearing in a Marvel movie sometime between now and July 28, 2017, when he will be appearing in his first movie. That might indicate that we will be skipping the origin movie and just brushing over his origin story, since he will be in another property’s film.

2. I Want That Movie to be Civil War

civilwar02According to the deal, Spidey will appear in an upcoming Marvel film before appearing in his own film, which is now set to open on July 28, 2017. Let’s assume that Avengers: Age of Ultron  is out because we are so close to the release date of that one, and I don’t think they went to all this trouble to get Spidey to just throw him inputs credits. Let’s assume Ant-Man is out for the same reason, and it would be a weird one to introduce Spidey in. That leaves us  with 3 possibilities: Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, and Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Of those 3, I would say that Civil War makes the most sense. Spider-Man has had crossovers with Doctor Strange before, so I guess it is possible, but that movie will for sure be an origin movie for Doctor Strange, so it would seem cumbersome and awkward to also introduce another new major character. Spider is a down to Earth guy, he doesn’t spend a lot of time in outer space, so a crossover with GOTG just doesn’t seem likely either. He did, however, play a major role in the Civil War storyline in the comics. In fact, when they announced Civil War as the title of the next Captain America film, I wondered how they could do it without Peter Parker. In fact, I didn’t think they could, so I theorized at that time that Spidey would be in the film. I think they were close to this deal when they announced the film and this was the plan all along.

3. It Needs to Be a New Spider-Man

I think this is a done deal. It will not be Andrew Garfield ad Peter Parker. Everything in the announcement from Marvel refers to it as a “new” Spider-Man. I think that it’s necessary for it to be someone new. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker and as Spider-Man, especially with Emma Stone. The two together had great chemistry onscreen. I just feel like, after Amazing Spider-Man 2, the franchise felt broken, beyond repair. I think a reboot of some sort was inevitable. I think this is a great point to bring in a new Spider-Man, letting everyone know that what happened before is not part of the MCU, and this is a new Spidey. I think it only makes sense. I have seen people start guessing at who it will be, and frankly, as long as it’s not Ben Afleck, then I am fine. What I would really like to see is a no-name actor that they kind of discover for this role, or who has had minor roles. That would just seem to fit the Spider-Man character.

Whatever happens with Spidey in the MCU, I think we can all agree that this is a good day, and a big day for Marvel and for Spider-Man. I can’t wait to see what will happen with the character and where they go next with the character and the whole universe. It is a good day to be a geek.

Grey Hulk in Age of Ultron?- This Week in Geek, January 24, 2015

If you haven’t heard the latest Avengers: Age of Ultron rumor yet, then where have you been? Basically, reports have been circulating all over the inter net that the Hulk is probably, at some point in the film, end up being grey instead of his typical green self. This has caused quite the stir all over the social media, so it’s what’s happening this week in geek.

Who is the Grey Hulk?

Hulk_1_coverThe first thing you should know about this whole Grey Hulk thing is that it isn’t unprecedented or unheard of. In fact, when the Hulk premiered in comics, he was grey. That was the original color Stan Lee and Jack Kirby intended for him to be. Issues arose, however, when the books went to print.  The printer had a hard time with the grey ink, and it just didn’t work well. As a result, the original grey colored Hulk only lasted a few issues, before he was changed to the green toned, purple panted monster we know and love today. If it were any other medium, that would have been the end of it. It was a manufacturing issue, let’s just pretend the whole thing never happened. That only works if you are not dealing with a medium dominated by geeks who obsess about this kind of stuff. We need to know why the Hulk started out as grey and then became green.  We want a reason for it in the story.

the-grey-hulk-by-dale-keown-321-e1406894717736Fast Forward to the late 1980’s and early 1990’s and we get the return of the grey Hulk. Banner and the green Hulk had been separated, and this opened the door for the grey Hulk to reemerge. The grey Hulk was smarter than the green Hulk, and kind of dodgy. Eventually, he moved to Las Vegas and took on the alias of Joe Fixit, an enforcer.  Besides intelligence, one other key difference between the grey Hulk and the green Hulk is that Banner changed into the grey Hulk at night instead of when he lost control. Eventually, the grey Hulk and the green Hulk and Banner were all merged together into a new form of the Hulk that kind of took on the best of all three personalities. I remember the grey Hulk. This was the version that joined Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Ghost Rider as a member of the new Fantastic Four (it was the 90’s, a lot of weird stuff was happening in comics).

Why do we think he might be in Age of Ultron?

So, that’s who the grey Hulk is, but why, all of a sudden, do so many people believe he might make an appearance in the new Avengers flick? Well, it comes down to this:



That is an image of the upcoming line of Funko Pop! figures for Avengers: Age of Ultron. This popped up on a website called PopVinyls.com. Of course the figure that jumps out the most is the big guy in the middle. The hulk, and you’ll notice that he is grey, not green. This led to an article on Cinemablend.com, which then led to multiple articles all over the web. That combined with the image going viral, and now everyone is totally bought into the idea that this is happening.  The interesting thing is everyone is connecting it to the Scarlet Witch, and that it may not really happen, but be a hallucination.  Maybe. Since we’re talking colors here, color me skeptical.

Don’t get me wrong, it could totally happen, but I just have my doubts. What we are basing all of this speculation on is this one image of one exclusive toy. That’s it. From there it has blossomed into a full-blown theory and from there, into a fact (not really, but maybe in some fans’ minds). Different stores will carry different versions of different toys and slap that exclusive label on it, and bam! instant collectible. I fear that this is more a ploy to make money than an actual spoiler. Marvel and Funko know that their fans will flock to Hot Topic to buy this one item, and it will be huge success. Fans of the classic Marvel Comics will instantly tie this figure to the grey Hulk of old, and will want it, regardless of whether this guy is actually in the film.

My biggest concern, or reason for doubt is the name of the figure. According to the above image, it is a “Hot Topic Exclusive Savage Hulk.” But he’s grey. As I mentioned in my intro to the grey Hulk above, he was smarter than the green Hulk. In fact, most fans of the comics refer to him as the grey Hulk, and the green guy, they call him the savage Hulk. Yet here we have a grey Hulk that is the savage Hulk. Unless they are ironically changing the character, it doesn’t fit. I think the Hulk we will see on film will be the green guy, and he is going to go ballistic for some reason, and be more savage than he already was. The grey Hulk won’t make an appearance, at least not in this film. That would be a great story line for a stand alone Hulk film, which would be a great thing to have. In the future, maybe phase 4 (hint, him, Marvel).

What do you think? Will we see the grey Hulk show up in Avengers 2? Or is it going to be just the plain old green one again? Let us know in the comments. We love hearing from you.

The Mount Rushmore of Superheroes


This is Mount Rushmore. It is basically a mountain that has 4 massive Presidential mugs carved into it. 4 Presidents that were not selected by accident. The sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, selected each of these men based on what they had accomplished and their impact on our nation. Today, people will refer to the Mount Rushmore of Basketball Players, or football player, or actors or even superheroes, as a way to discuss who were the greatest of all time. I saw someone post an image of their Superhero Mount Rushmore, and I began to wonder who would be on mine? Who would I consider the greatest 4 superheroes of all time, and I thought that would make for an interesting post. Then my wife suggested I pick four heroes and tie them in with the Presidents that were selected, which I thought sounded even more interesting. So, here is who would be on my Superhero Mount Rushmore. I am not saying these are my 4 favorites, but each played a role in the history of Superheroes, somewhat similar to the Presidents who are up on the mountain. (Some of it might be kind of a stretch, but it’s all for fun anyway).

George Washington-Superman

f_washingtonGeorge Washington was selected because he was the original. He was the first President of the United States, he started it all. His place on the mountain was assured because of that, if for no other reason. However, he was also the general that led the colonists against the British and helped us gain our independence. He seems to stand for everything we think of as making America great, and if all the Presidents were to ever sit down and have a meeting, George Washington would be the head of that meeting.  I always liked the legend of George Washington refusing to be crowned King. He had just fought a war to liberate us from a king, he didn’t want us to return to that. The people gave him all the power, and he could have taken advantage of that, but he didn’t.

3605753-1936874063-31646Similar to George Washington, Superman was the first Superhero, or at least the first one that really caught on. For me, this was the easiest connection to make. Without George Washington, there wouldn’t be the other Presidents, and without Superman, there wouldn’t be the other Superheroes. Superman has the power to be a god over the people of Earth, and it’s a good possibility that id he asserted that power, people would follow him willingly, and he could be king of the Earth, but he doesn’t do that. Like George Washington, he acts responsibly with the power he has been given. You may not agree with all of my entries on this list, but it would be hard to have a superhero Mount Rushmore without Superman.

Thomas Jefferson-Batman

Mount-Rushmore-Natl-Monument-Thomas-Jefferson-SD-1-2011-09-14_496x684It seems like Thomas Jefferson is always stuck in George Washington’s lofty shadow. George Washington was the 1st President, Jefferson was the 3rd. George gets the $1 bill, Thomas gets the $2 bill, a bill no one ever uses. Yet, it would be hard to argue that any one man did more to frame the foundation for the liberties we enjoy today. Thomas Jefferson is credited for writing the Declaration of Independence, a document that is probably more important to the history of our country and our world than almost any other document. Jefferson was also a big proponent of the government stepping in and being more involved, where as Washington was a little more hands off. Plus, it is only proper that Jefferson be up on this mountain, since his Louisiana Purchase bought the actual mountain and made it part of the United States.

3084172-2727164-batman_by_el_grimlock_d4sntu0Batman and Superman are opposites in a lot of ways, but they both have similar goals, to protect the innocent and all that stuff. This is similar to Washington and Jefferson. Each performed their role as President very differently, but each had the same end goal: to prosper and protect our young nation. Batman continues to sit in Superman’s shadow, at least in the mainstream, but I think he likes it in the shadows, so it’s ok. Batman, as we have seen in many story lines, is ok with stretching his influence as much as he can to bring order to Gotham, where as Supes seems to want to minimize his. One thing that you have to credit Batman for is his story which has become the ultimate Superhero archetype. Plus, Batman has spread the popularity of comics further than Superman ever could have on his own. If Superman gave us the Superhero model and laid that foundation, then Batman expanded and built it up to what it is today.

Theodore Roosevelt- Wolverine

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATheodore Roosevelt has always seemed like the odd man out to me on Mount Rushmore. He was wildly popular in his time, and he did establish the National Parks, and Rushmore is a National Park, but really he didn’t do anything especially mountain worthy. Looking into it a little for this post, I realized that when this sculpture was started in 1927, Roosevelt was a pretty big deal still. He brought our nation into the 20th century and into an economic boom. He was feared and respected as President, especially by those who would threaten our country. He coined the phrase to “talk softly, but carry a big stick.” It seemed to work for him as President. Plus he was a world traveler and renowned hunter. Then there was the Panama Canal which offered a quick connection between east and west. Then there were his days with the rough riders- he was a man’s man, which made me think of…

0147…Wolverine. Also a world renown hunter, and survivor of multiple “military exploits,” Wolverine is a man’s man kind of Superhero. He may not carry a big stick, but his 6 adamantium claws are a pretty good substitute. Wolverine became the face of marvel comics during a boom time as well: the 1990’s. Since then, his face has been everywhere. He may not be as old or as iconic as the others on this list, but for the modern generation, he may be just as important, similar to Teddy. Wolverine goes his own way, not really fitting into the traditional Superhero mold. Similarly, Theodore Roosevelt felt like he didn’t fit into the traditional mold of his political party, so he started his own, the Bull Moose Party. Because of his past, many may have thought that Wolverine was not really leadership material, but as of late he has taken over as the head of the Jean Grey school, and has done alright, proving to be more of a leader than some gave him credit for.

Abraham Lincoln- Captain America

4861843101_074edf2665_zThe thing that Abraham Lincoln is best known for is abolishing slavery and holding our country together through the Civil War. He knew what was right and what was wrong, and he wasn’t going to let anyone tell him differently. He would not back down, and believed that the Union would prevail in the Civil War because it was on the right side of the debate. After the war was over, Lincoln’s plan was to be very forgiving with the former confederate states to help speed along the recovery and peace of our country. Unfortunately, he was gunned down before he could move too far into his reconstruction plans. As a result, our country was left in quite a mess. More than almost any other man in history, Lincoln seems to embody everything America is about or what it should be about, especially considering he had political loss after political loss before becoming President and stepping into his shoes as one of the greatest leaders in the history of the world.

1163159-80_marvel_adventures_super_heroes_3There can be only one Superhero that embodies all of that, and it would be Captain America. He stands for everything good about our country and he sometimes has to stand for it all alone. He also led one side of a civil war in the comics, knowing his side would prevail because they were right. In fact, Steve Rogers has found himself in quite a few of those kinds of conflicts, and he always seems to find a way to bring everyone back together again.  Sometimes, that’s no easy task. In addition, he was also gunned down by an assassin’s bullet, leaving the Marvel fictional world to figure out where to go next and what to do next. I think the biggest reason I thought to connect these two was because like Lincoln, when Cap knows something is right, he knows it and that’s where he stands, even if he is all alone.

There you have it, my Superhero Mount Rushmore. Just to be clear, this is all in good fun, and by no means do I mean to belittle anything any of these 4 great leaders have done by comparing it to fictional characters. It’s just not the same, and I recognize that. Just for fun, i thought I would include 2 more Mount Rushmore lists, with just the names, not descriptions. One is the DC Universe Rushmore and the other is Marvel.


Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern


Captain America, Reed Richards, Hulk, and Wolverine

Who would be on your Mount Rushmore of Superheroes?  I am sure our lists would disagree somewhere.  Let me know about it in the comments.

2 Follow Ups and FanX Wristbands Arrive-This Week in Geek, January 17, 2015

Good long weekend to you all, folks. I am back with the latex edition of “This Week in Geek,” and for this week we will be kind of returning to the original format in which I covered multiple stories and shared them here. That’s because I have some follow-up on a couple of features I ran last week and this week. One good, and one not so good. Plus, one new story that’s less of a story and more of a woo-hoo.

Netflix Confirms Doctor Who NOT Leaving

tv DOCTOR WHORemember last week when everyone was reporting that Doctor Who was going to be dropped from Netflix as of the end of this month? And some sites were even suggesting that maybe the show, along with other British shows, was being dropped to make room in the budget for “Friends.” Do you remember how your friendly neighborhood geeky Mormon attempted to talk all of you, my fellow Whovians, off the ledge by citing a different post on a different web site that suggested that it wasn’t so much of a drop, but an end to the existing contract, and that Netfilx was already working on a renewal? Well guess what those sites are reporting now. It turns out that it was never an issue of Netflix “dropping” the series in favor of something, but rather the end of the existing contract. A contract that was renewed, with no interruption to the ehh…Timeline…if you will. Good news for everyone, including my wife who is still trying to catch up on number 10. Allons-Y!

Spider-Man NOT Joining the Avengers, According to Sony

3317783-135251969351One of the big stories of this last week was that some deal had been struck between Marvel and Sony to make way for Spider-Man to appear in the 3rd Avengers film. The source of all the reports was the Latino Review, which has been accurate in the past. All fans of the MCU were hoping it was true. We wanted it to be true so badly. I think more than that, Marvel wants it to be true, they need it to happen, as I outlined, a little, in my post about all of this. As it turns out, according to Sony, none of this is happening. It was all based on an old rumor, and no such deal has been made. They are going to continue to muck up Spider-Man with too many villains and spin-offs, all in the name of keeping the rights to a character that is a gold mine, even if the movies tied to him kind of suck. I wish this wasn’t the case. I love Spidey, and I loved the idea of him being home where he blonds in the MCU, but it doesn’t look like that is happening again. I know, let’s just wait a couple of years, until you get close to losing those rights again, and then reboot the series with another film telling Spidey’s origin story, just so you can keep those rights. Poor Peter Parker. (Alliteration!)

My FanX Wristbands Came!

IMG_1108Oh Happy Day! For those of you who do not reside in or near Salt Lake City, Utah, this probably is not that big a deal, so I am sorry. I just wanted to share because it is getting so close now. Less than 2 weeks now, and FanX will be here. Somehow, getting the wristbands in the mail just made it feel that much closer. This will be the 4th major comic-type convention we have had here in Salt Lake, and my third time attending. I am getting better as an attendee with each one. As it gets closer, i will probably write more about it, and probably revise and update my convention survival checklist. As someone who is attending the con, I will also let you know how it went. I am particularly looking forward to our Doctor Who Ultimate “Xperience” which features Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and Billie Piper. It should be loads of fun. I can’t wait for it.

Well, that’s it for this week. Hopefully we’ll have just good news next week, and not a downer story like Spider-Man never coming to the MCU.


Why We Need Spidey in The Avengers

If you haven’t heard the news, maybe because you have been hiding under some kind of digital rock, it looks like we may finally be getting Spidey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Maybe. At least that is what is being reported. If it is true, it would be pretty amazing, considering all the legal hoops both Sony and Marvel would need to go through to make it happen. It looked like, just a year ago, that something like this would never happen, and now, according to the report, we will get Spidey in the MCU starting in the Infinity War part 1. More important than whether it will happen is why we need it to happen, or if we even need it to happen. I believe we need it. We need Spidey in the Avengers, we need him back home with Marvel, interacting with the other Marvel characters. Let me tell you why.

Super heroes are basically modern versions of gods. They are all-powerful and amazing and everything like that. They are basically everything we can never be, something that, no matter how hard we strive, we can never achieve. And that is part of why we love them, but it makes it hard for us to identify with them in the stories. I have never been injected with super serum, I have never been a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. I have never been able to turn into a giant green monster. That kind of stuff just doesn’t happen. The Avengers, like the Justice League in DC, are gods, and we are the little people. This is why we need Spider-Man. He isn’t a god like the others. He is just a regular guy who just happens to have been bitten by a radioactive spider. And that is why we love him.

I have always enjoyed reading the Avengers comics that involve Spider-Man. It just seems like we are seeing the Avengers through our eyes, through Spidey’s. He is always a little starstruck, always feeling a little inadequate, like he doesn’t belong, but he is there. I think that’s how most of us would feel if we were invited to hang out with the Avengers. I know I would. So Spidey gives us that in the comics. He is awkward and nerdy for us, and we love it. Bringing this to the films would be incredible. It would add a whole new depth. I wish it were happening in the Civil War Movie, instead of the next Avengers movie. The role he played, being stuck between Captain America and Iron Man, in the comics was so crucial. It’s how we all felt. Iron Man and Cap were both our heroes, how are we supposed to choose between the two of them.  All of this was articulated in Spider-Man as the story progressed. He would be a key figure in Civil War if that were possible, but I’ll take what we can get.

We need Spider-Man to bridge that gap between us and them, for sure.  I think more than that, according to the report I linked to earlier in this post, if Iron Man is in space with Hulk and Cap is dead and Thor is captured, we will need Spidey just to have a familiar face in the crowd. And faces don’t come any more familiar in the Marvel Universe than Spidey. It will make the transition easier for us to the new Avengers, like daredevil or Iron Fist or Doctor Strange. We need Spidey to bridge that gap as well. The original Avengers are all supposed to come back for Infinity War part 2, but what about after that? That is possibly the end of our time with Stark and Rogers and Thor and Hulk. It may be the beginning of a whole new era with new Avengers, and Spider-Man would be a perfect anchor for the team.

The biggest reason we need Spidey in the Avengers is that we need Spidey away from Sony. Amazing Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man 2 weren’t horrible, like Daredevil horrible, but the studio’s plan for the Sinister Six and Venom and endless Spider-Man spin offs sounds bad. I personally don’t care about a Sinister Six movie, and I feel like the only reason they’re doing it is to keep the rights to Spider-Man and the Spider-Man characters. Spidey is at his best, though, when he is interacting with other Marvel heroes like Iron Man and Cap and Doctor Strange and so on. It would just be great to see Spider-Man get the MCU treatment and not have him stuck in his own contained universe. He needs the other heroes, and we need him to have them. As of now, the report is only that Spidey will make his debut in the Infinity War part 1, but there is no indication where that might leave Sony and their deal with the web slinger. I don’t know if that means the end of his time over at Sony or not.

This is big news all the way around, and I think it will lead to better movies with characters that are easier to identify with. I hope this means that Spidey will find his way home permanently. I think we would get better quality Spider-Man movies, more truly aligned with Marvel’s vision. Plus, it would be huge cash-flow for Marvel and Disney. Spider-Man is the most recognizable property Marvel has and the most marketable.

In the end, all of this may just end up being wishful thinking for Marvel fanboys everywhere. The report seems to be pretty legitimate, but it still just seems shocking considering how complicated all of this seemed just a short while ago. It would be pretty remarkable if it does turn out to be true, and would be a great turn of events for Marvel and Disney. They would have a marquee character to carry on after Iron Man and Captain America, and that is something that right now, they don’t have. Plus, it might end the constant reboots and relaunching we have seen thus far with Sony. Now, Marvel just needs to focus on bringing the Fantastic Four home, and save us from more Fox disasters like it sounds like this new Fantastic Four will be. Then, for the big guys, the X-Men. Maybe someday, if they can work out this deal, they can work out the X-Men stuff and we can see an Avengers vs. X-Men movie.  That would be awesome.

Gifts from the Marvel Universe

Hello true believers!  Welcome to our 4th Holiday gift guide list.  This time it is a Marvel themed gift guide, and I for one cannot wait.  As with the previous guides, if you see something you like, click on it and it will take you right to a site to purchase the product.  I am not affiliated with any of the sites, and I get nothing out of it.  I am just performing my civic duty.  Nothing is hotter than Marvel right now, so I am excited to get this list started.

1. Guardians of the Galaxy Blu Ray


Nothing goes over my head…

It was the year’s biggest hit, and one of the best movies in the Superhero genre to date. It’s an instaclassic, and every geek will want to own it this year.  This really is one of the most watchable, and rewatchable movies I have seen in a long time.  The Blu Ray and DVD come out on December 9.  Of course, the HD Digital and 3D Digital versions are already available (yes, it is already on my AppleTV), but if your geek wants the physical copy, then Christmas is the perfect time to get it for them.  You can preorder now on Amazon for $19.99 and it is Prime eligible which means it will deliver on December 9th, just in case you can’t wait until Christmas.

2. Awesome Mix Tape Vol. 1


I’m hooked on a feeling…

I mean, you’re already buying the movie, might as well spend an extra $6.99 to get the soundtrack, while you’re at it.  The music to GOTG made the movie better than great, it made the movie AWESOME!  I find myself singing these songs throughout my day, and it makes me happy.  Make yourself happy, or that special geek in your life, and get this soundtrack.  Get it on CD, because it almost seems wrong to get it on mp3, and unfortunately it is not available on cassette tape.  $6.99 on Amazon.com, Prime eligible.

3. Thor 1/4 Scale Deluxe Figure


He’s sexy and he knows it.

Fresh off of being voted People Magazine’s sexiest man alive, Thor can now be yours, or your geek’s.  1/4 the size of life-size, which means this is a good size figure, and the deluxe means that it’s pretty detailed.  This is not your daddy’s action figure.  This Asgardian giant comes in at $99.99 from ThinkGeek.com.

4. Star Lord Costume Hoody


I’m Star Lord. Who?

Now you can be not recognized as Star Lord wherever you go.  This handsome, zip up hoody is perfect for any geek on the go, plus it’s instant cosplay, and everyone could use a little more cosplay in their life.  If you don’t like Star Lord, no worries, ThinkGeek also has Captain America, Rocket and The Winter Soldier. They are all $79.99 and exclusive to ThinkGeek.com.

5. Black Widow Zip Up Jacket 


’cause ladies like to look cool and stay warm too.

We don’t want to leave our female readers out (although I think the Thor figure was mostly for them), so we have a little zip up jacket for them as well.  This one is Black Widow, so now you can be warm and dress like a super spy at the same time.  Perfect for those cold winter month conventions (like FanX 2015).  This sells for $59.99 on ThinkGeek.com

6. Captain America Deluxe Figure-Kotobukiya


The original Super Soldier

This is a great looking figure, jumping straight off the comic book page, and onto your desk.  I love Cap, so I admit that I am a little partial to this guy.  This figure just looks amazing, and it is so detailed.  It would look great on anyone’s desk, but especially mine, if anyone reading this is looking for gift ideas.  This guy goes for $64.95 at Marvel.com.

7. Iron Man Wacky Wobbler Bobble Head


Now you can keep your desk safe with this bobble head standing guard.

Nothing says “I am Awesome!” at work like a cool bobble head.  And no bobble head is cooler than a superhero bobble head, like this one.  These Wacky Wobblers are great, because they look great.  Very detailed, not very cartoonish, but with really big heads.  That wobble.  Excellent.  Plus, it is conveniently labeled, just incase the person you are giving it to does not know who this guy is.  If that is the case, then I would recommend something else.  This figure is priced at $12.95 on Marvel.com.

8. Spider-Man Statue by Sideshow Collectibles



I bet you almost forgot that Spider-Man was part of the Marvel Universe.  It’s cool, easy to see how that might happen with the whole Sony situation.  This statue is a real beauty.  It is Spider-Man in a classic Spider-Man pose, ready to shoot a web at a moment’s notice here.  The statue stands 19″ tall, and is suitable for any collection.  If you have a Spidey fan in your house, they would love this.  It is a little pricey, at $299.95 at Marvel.com, but that is about right for these kinds of collectibles.

9. Age of Ultron Graphic Novel


There are no strings on me…

Ok, so you have seen the movies, but now it is time to step completely over to the Geek Side, and read the comics.  There are some graphic novels that are written just as graphic novels, but most of what people nowadays call graphic novels are really collections of single issues.  If you are wanting to read comics just for the stories and the artwork, and not really collecting, collections like this are a great way, cheap way to do it.  This is a great one because it is the basis for our next Avengers movie, so it’s the equivalent of reading Harry Potter before seeing the movie.  Plus, Brian Michael Bendis is one of the best comic writers out there right now.  This collection is on Amazon.com for $22.13 and is prime eligible.  But, if you’re local to Salt Lake City, might I suggest checking out one of my favorite stores in town, Black Cat Comics.  They have a pretty good selection of graphic novels, and they are very helpful if you have never bought comics before.

10. Infinity Gauntlet Graphic Novel


An oldie, but a goody

Want to learn more about Thanos and the Infinity Stones?  Then this is the book for you.  It’s an older story, but it is a classic and this is the direction that the MCU is headed.  You can see Thanos on the cover of this book, front and center with the Infinity Gauntlet on.  This was one of the original major events, and it is still one of the best.  It is available on Amazon.com for $14.12, but again check out Black Cat Comics as well.

That’s it.  That’s my Marvel list.  I hope you enjoyed it.  If Marvel isn’t where your geek is at, check out some of my other gift guides.  This is the 4th, we have also done Doctor Who, Middle Earth and Star Wars.  Check those out as well.  Our next one will be taking a look at the other big Comic publisher, DC.



This Week in Geek- November 8, 2014

It was a busy week in the world of geek.  Lots of big announcements, and a few things you may have missed.  Let’s take a look back on the week that was November 2-November 8.

Star Wars VII Gets a New Name

In arguably the biggest story of the week, Star Wars Episode VII received a title, or at least the title was made public.  The film is a little over a year away, but geeks and nerds everywhere are anxiously anticipating the release, and the title reveal only adds to that anticipation.  The name was made known on StarWars.com, along with the news that principal photography has been completed and we may be getting a teaser trailer soon.  Just in case you missed the reveal, here is the title in all its glory:


What do you think?  Personally, I think the title is promising.  Way better than Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones (Easily the worst Star Wars title ever).  The Force Awakens sounds great, and I can’t wait for next December.

Toy Story 4 Announced for Summer 2017


Remember how you felt at the end of Toy Story 3?  If it was anything like how I felt, it was contentment.  It felt like a good ending to the Toy Story films.  It wrapped everything up, and it felt like a conclusion, albeit, an emotional one, but a happy one.  The movie was hugely successful, netting over $1 Billion worldwide.  So what do big movie makers do when a film does so well?  They say, “Forget how well we wrapped that up, let’s make another sequel.”  In a move that surprised no one, Disney announced this week that Toy Story 4 was on its way.  The good news is that there’s hope for this film as John Lasseter is returning to direct the film. It is due out in June of 2017.

The Joker Set to Appear Again on the Big Screen


Reports have come in this week stating that Jared Leto may be playing the Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad film. This tells us a couple of things, one being that the Joker will be appearing in the DC Multiverse.  It makes me wonder if he might make an appearance in the upcoming Batman v. Superman movie first, or if Batman’s greatest foe will really be introduced to us in Suicide Squad. I guess we will have to wait and see. The film set to be released in August, 2016.  What do you think, is Jared Leto up for the role?


Final The Hobbit Trailer is Released Ahead of December Release

The latest, and assumed final, trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies was released by Warner Bros. earlier this week.  This is the final chapter in the Hobbit Trilogy, bringing the adventure to its end.  It looks pretty exciting, and I can’t wait. Although there is something bittersweet about the trilogy ending.  Who knows when we will see another Fantasy epic like this again?

Is Benedict Cumberbatch Playing Doctor Strange?


Rumors having been flying for a while about who would be playing the Sorcerer Supreme.  They have ranged from Keanu Reeves to Collin Firth.  It now appears Marvel has set their sights squarely on Benedict Cumberbatch.  So, this means, if the rumors pan out, Benedict Cumberbatch has successfully conquered every facet of geekdom.  He will become our king, and we will have to bow down to him. Of course, it could all be rumors and there could be no truth to it whatsoever.

Holiday Movie Season has Arrived

Other than Summer time, the Holiday Season is the time for big budget films.  This year’s round has officially begun with the arrival of two geek centric flicks.  Interstellar and Disney/Marvel’s Big Hero Six both opened on November 6.  Neither scored exceptionally well with the critics, but both should be big hits.  As a refresher, here are the trailers for each film:

Which one will you be seeing this weekend, or are you saving your cinema cash for being things coming?

ICYMI: THE OSU Does Star Trek

If you didn’t see this, it’s just cool. Ohio State University has one of the best marching bands ever, and what they do with their formations is just incredible.  Last Saturday, they performed a halftime show based on some Sci Fi films, including Star Trek.  Definitely worth a look and listen:

That will wrap up this week’s look back on what’s been happening.  Let me know your thoughts or if I missed anything in the comments below.


What Marvel’s Announcement Means


The battle for box office gold over the next 5 years continues to escalate between Marvel Studios/ Disney and DC/ Warner Bros.  Marvel delivered the latest blow by announcing which titles would match up with the release dates  that were revealed earlier this year.  What does all of this mean?  The first thing it means is that between the two companies there will be a lot of super heroes on the big screen.  Will it be too much?  On the one hand, I think it is awesome and there is a lot to be excited about.  On the other hand, reading through the list of films coming from Marvel, there is a lot to feel just meh about.  Avengers: Age of Ultron brings phase 2 to a close, leading right into phase 3 which will bring us up to 2020. Let’s run down each of the dates and the coinciding films.

Ant-Man; July 17, 2015


This wasn’t part of the big announcement the other day, but it is the first film of phase 3.  We have known that this film is coming for about as long as we have known that there would be a Marvel Cinematic universe.  I’ll be honest, I have never been a huge Ant-Man fan.  In fact, I am not very familiar with the character at all, except that in the comics he created Ultron, as a result became a pacifist, except when he was Yellowjacket.  Then there was the little while that he went by Giant Man and Goliath.  In short, the dude has had some major identity crises over the years. Unless, course, Ant-Man won’t be Hank Pym, but the guy who stole the Pym Particle suit to become Ant-Man.  In any case, the character is a complex character, which means the film will probably be story driven, which for Summer audiences might equal boring.  Less action + more story + character mainstream public is unfamiliar with = possible first Marvel flop.  I was excited when Edgar Wright was part of this project.  Now that he isn’t, I am less excited.

Captain America: Civil War; May 6, 2016


A couple of weeks ago, this was the big news.  The way it was announced was that this film would lead us into the Civil War storyline.  Now that Marvel has announced the rest of their docket, it looks like this film will be all the Civil War we are going to get.  That means it will be watered down.  2-3 hours is just not enough time to tell this story.  It could have easily been the whole phase.  Of course, the movie will be a huge success since it is Captain America vs. Iron Man, and the ramifications could affect each of the films that follow.  I am hoping for some great stuff from the film, despite the fact that it will obviously be a condensed version of the tale.  Winter Soldier was the best Marvel film so far, in my opinion, so this film has a pretty high bar.

Doctor Strange; November 4, 2016


Once again, we have a stand alone film featuring a character that the main stream public does not know.  Unlike Ant-Man, though, I am not predicting that this will be a flop for one reason. Benedict Cumberbatch.  That man will draw enough of his fans to this film to make it a success. If not for him, I don’t know that this movie would work.  Marvel has been successful so far based on 2 things: Characters everyone recognizes (Captain America, Thor, The Avengers, etc.) or packing the film with lighthearted humor (Guardians of the Galaxy).  Not every character fits into one of those formulas.  Ant-Man doesn’t.  Neither does Doctor Strange.  This will be a success as they try out a new formula-Star Power, but Benedict can’t be the protagonist of every upcoming Marvel film.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2; May 5, 2017


Guardians of the Galaxy was Marvel’s biggest gamble yet.  They took a group of characters that no one knew and threw them into a big budget picture and captured lightning in a bottle. Can they do it again with GOTG 2?  Only time will tell.  This film will be successful because of the success of the first one.  In fact, i think there are fan boys who started lining up for this movie right after they saw the first one.  Went straight from the theatre to the line, and they’re still waiting.  Marvel is betting the house on the success of the first GOTG.  They have a whole list of films with characters no one knows, and they are hoping that GOTG wasn’t a fluke.  This is perfectly positioned in Phase 3 to remind us about how much we liked the first one.

Thor: Ragnarok; July 28, 2017


This is the big one as far as Thor films go.  Expect lots of action, lots of battles, and lots of Loki.  Expect some kind of resolution to the Thor character and Asgard.  This may be the last Thor film, and the fact that the subtitle is the Norse Mythology term for the end of the world, this could be it.  This will be huge success, especially since it is between Avenger films, and in the absence of any new Iron Man films, expect this to do very well.

Black Panther; November 3, 2017


There will be a lot of buzz about this film because it is the first of the super hero films out there to feature a black man in the lead role (Unless you count Steel, starring Shaq, but no one should ever count that).  I am trying to get excited about this film, but I just can’t.  I think the Black Panther character is a great addition to the Avengers team, but I don’t know about a stand alone film.  Yes, marvel is beating DC to the punch with a Black hero headlining a film, but I think Cyborg will be better.

Avengers: Infinity War Part I; May 4, 2018


Finally, we see when Thanos, the Mad Titan, will be the big bad in the Avengers films.  This is the most exciting thing that was announced.  The Infinity War story line in the comics is a classic, and I am sure the film(s) will not disappoint.  Chances are, because it is a 2 part movie, the first part will end on some cliff hanger and that year in between will be just killer.  The big question is, who will be the Avengers in the film?  Will Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey, Jr. all be back, or will we see some others with the Avengers mantle.  It will be interesting to see how some of the characters, introduced in the prior films, will be incorporated.

Captain Marvel; July 6, 2018


It will be interesting to see how this film fits into the story here.  It is sandwiched between the 2 Avengers films, so will it be a story about Carol, or will it be an additional chapter in the Infinity War story?  Also interesting to note, although they beat DC to the punch with a Black hero, they fall behind with a film featuring a Heroine.  And, the other surprise, their first film featuring a heroine is not Black Widow, which is what everyone has been begging for.  Interesting move for Marvel.  I don’t know how many people are familiar with this character, so it will be interesting to see the excitement for it.

Inhumans; November 2, 2018


This is the one that I just don’t get.  There is no Hulk movie, but there will be a Inhumans movie?  I like comics a lot, but I know very little about this group.  I think it is really only the very hardcore fans that know this group, so it will be very interesting to see how or if Marvel can bring the main stream audience on board with this property.  This may end up being Marve’ls biggest flop yet.  Now, just because I don’t know this title, doesn’t mean it’s not cool.  It might be, but will the public be overly interested?  I guess we will see.

Avengers: Infinity War Part II; May 3, 2019

Wrapping up the third phase is the second part to the Avengers movie.  I am curious to see where this film leaves the MCU.  Where will the company go from here, and who will be left standing?  This movie will do a lot to let us know what is coming next.

That is a lot of movies doing down the pipe.  Will we be ready for more when the credits roll on the Avengers movie, or will we be burned out?  I don’t know.  I kind of feel like we might be burned out, and I am not sure Marvel has the heavy hitting characters to keep it going much more past this point, unless they bring in  a Hulk movie.  Poor Hulk, no movie for him.


Marvel Tries, but Fails Again


This really falls into the category of “Their Heart is in the Right Place, but They’re Just Missing the Point.” Back in 2012, Marvel developed a Super Hero named “The Blue Ear” who was an individual with a hearing loss, but he overcame the “disability” to fight evil by relying on his listening device, which helped him to hear when someone was in trouble. This was a cool story, and here’s why: It was done in response to a parent contacting Marvel about their 4-year-old son who would not wear his hearing aids. The Blue Ear was created just for that little boy, and that is awesome. Along with everyone’s new favorite superhero, The Blue Ear, there have been many technological advancements that can now help people who suffer from hearing loss to feel better and have the opportunity to live their life to the full. Some of these advancements in technology have included making phones for hearing impaired people so they are able to make any necessary calls with near to no trouble at all. Additionally, there is also the emergence of HIFI systems and amplifiers that could benefit someone struggling to hear. These devices help the sound to be much louder, hopefully helping the hearing impaired to hear more films, music, and TV. Those hard of hearing shouldn’t be deprived of this sort of entertainment, so it might be worth them visiting Https://www.hifisystemcomponents.com, for example, to get their hands on an amplifier. Hopefully, The Blue Ear can continue to bring happiness to those who suffer from the same impairment, as it may help them with their confidence.

Now, in 2014, Marvel is again encouraging children with a hearing loss to take good care of their hearing equipment with a brand new heroine, Sapheara. The idea for Sapheara was developed by a doctor in New York as a way to aid and encourage kids with hearing loss to “receive the evaluations and care they need to lead active and engaged lives.” On the surface, everything about this story just warms the heart. Then why am I writing an article with such a negative title about it?

First of all, this will only encourage children to take good care of their hearing equipment. But what about the children who can’t afford it in the first place? If you aren’t aware of the cost of this sort of equipment, just take a look online – I bet you will be shocked. I’m not saying that Marvel should be covering the cost of all hearing equipment from hereon in, but surely there is something else that they could be doing to stop many people who are hard of hearing ending up relying on crowdfunding to cover the costs of their equipment?

Secondly, the article I quoted above and have a link to, is just wrong. I tried to find other articles that were better, but I couldn’t find any. In our efforts to continually be politically correct all the time, we end up thinking we are using the right terms, but in reality, we have chosen terms that are more offensive to the people they represent. Hearing disabled is absolutely wrong. Would you call someone who utilizes a wheelchair “walking disabled”? Or someone with dyslexia “reading disabled”? I thought the whole idea nowadays was to focus more on what people can do, than what they can’t. Yet this article with over 100,000 reads uses the term hearing disabled, and people think it is ok. Other articles I found on the web used the term as well. Not the right term. Also, Hearing-impaired is not the preferred term either. If you conversed with an individual who was deaf or hard of hearing, they would tell you they do not like the term Hearing Impaired. It was a term developed by hearing people to label those who cannot hear. If you are wondering what the right terms are, let me tell you. Deaf, Hard of Hearing are appropriate. If you want to discuss someone’s “hearing disability”, you could refer to it as their hearing loss. When I read terms like these in an article, I know it is pandering to folks who just don’t know better, and surprise, it is pushing the idea that hearing loss needs to be fixed with the miracle cure that is cochlear implants.

Full disclosure here, this obviously hits close to home for me. I have 3 children who are deaf or hard of hearing. If it seems like I am getting a little fired up, please understand where I am coming from. If you feel like I am way off base, that is your opinion. You have not walked in my shoes, and I’ve never even smelled yours.

So all of that has to do with the article written about the comic, which was not written by Marvel, so my beef is not with them, you might think, and if that was my only beef, then you would be right. Again, please remember, I do recognize that Marvel had their heart in the right place, I just want to help people to understand another side here. My big issue is with the heroine herself. Sapheara. She has bilateral cochlear implants. This means she has had a surgery done where a device is implanted on both sides of her head, that, with the help of exterior equipment, helps her to hear. With a cochlear implant, sound waves are turned into a digital signal and transmitted to the device which then turns those digital signals into pulses along a coil with multiple electrodes that stimulates the cochlea creating sound. That is my basic understanding, I am not a doctor or audiologist, so the technical stuff may be off. Many medical professionals and audiologists look at cochlear implants as a “cure” for hearing loss. They believe that with an implant and lots of hard work, a child can learn to speak and listen just like a child with no hearing loss. The truth is, they are right. There are plenty of examples of that happening. Kids with a hearing loss growing up totally oral. Well, I mean they are partially right.

Fuller disclosure: Two of my kids have cochlear implants. My oldest has a unilateral implant on his right side. My second oldest has bilateral implants. Please understand, I am no expert on everyone’s experience with cochlear implants and growing up deaf, but I have a little experience here.

The full truth is this: There is no cure for deafness because deafness is not a disease. It doesn’t need to be fixed. I had a real issue with the doctor’s comments, his name was Doctor Ronald Hoffman of the Ear Institute at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary at the Mount Sinai Hospital. His quote from above talks about kids with a hearing loss coming and getting the evaluations and treatment they need to lead full and active lives. This is the line that the medical world will sell parents of deaf children, and what they are trying to sell deaf children through these fantastic comics. They are trying to tell them that in order for a deaf child to have full and productive life, they need to have hearing aids or cochlear implants, they need to be oral (meaning they learn to communicate with their mouths. You and I call it talking), and they need to blend in and be as “normal” as possible. They will point to statistics that say that deaf children never make it past 4th grade reading level. If they learn to use only sign language, they will be cut off from the rest of the world. They will never be successful in life, either on a professional or personal level. That’s their story and they’re sticking to it. Again, there are examples of kids who have grown up this way and have been super successful. There are also examples of kids who grew up this way and are not.

Fullest Disclosure: My kids who are deaf or hard of hearing use American Sign Language as their primary mode of communication. My oldest doesn’t vocalize much. He is learning to vocalize more and more, but you should see the way he signs. It is a thing of beauty, and he has not trouble expressing himself. He wants to be an actor when he grows up. Or maybe a chef. My second oldest signs almost as beautifully as her older brother, but she also vocalizes, and talks a lot. She wakes up in the morning on some days and starts talking right away, and doesn’t shut up until she is asleep again that night. My second youngest only signs. She is a master of the facial expressions. The whole meaning of her sentence, question or whatever is all in her face.

The Deaf Community, meaning individuals who are deaf and use ASL as their main mode of communication, is a proud community. They have been through persecutions and struggles and continue to go through them. One of the toughest is when hearing people think they are less capable than hearing people simply because they can’t hear. A deaf person can do anything a hearing person can do, except hear. Where is Marvel’s representation of that, for the kids who use ASL, and don’t rely solely on their cochlear implant or hearing aid? A hero who is not super despite his lack of hearing, but because of it. Someone like Daredevil, only deaf instead of blind. He sees things differently, but that is what makes him special, what makes him stand out. I feel like the heroes represented here as the Blue Ear and Sapheara are hard of hearing as gimmick. I get that that is the whole point, but don’t the deaf and hard of hearing kids deserve a hero who is just like them, able to hang with the Avengers or the X-Men, do what ever they do, they just can’t hear. Think of the depth a character like that could have, if done right, and how awesome would that be for a little kids to read about that. They’re not trying to fit in or sell a hearing aid or cochlear implant, they are different, and proud, and that is part of where they get their strength. In our local community here, they call it a Deaf Identity. A way for a kid to be proud of who they are, instead of just focusing on what they aren’t. Again, Marvel has their heart in the right place, I just wish they would present the other side. The people who are deaf and not solely reliant on their hearing devices to perform their super hero duties. A hero or heroine who doesn’t have the word “Ear” in their name (believe it or not, deaf people are not particularly obsessed with ears). I would read that, and it would do a lot to bridge the gap of understanding between the hearing world and the deaf world, if done right. I think Marvel could do it, if anyone can, but this one shot isn’t it, and it’s not as awesome as some might think. That’s my two cents anyway, take it or leave it.

Civil War Coming to Marvel’s Cinematic Universe


On Monday, Marvel made the news official that they were in fact leading up to the Civil War plot in their Cinematic Universe.  The news broke in an article in Variety, detailing how Robert Downey, Jr. was in final talks with the studio to be in Captain America 3, and that the film would be following the Civil War storyline.

For those of you who are not familiar with the Civil War event that took place in the Marvel Universe back in 2006, it was basically a major event that involved every character in the Marvel Universe.  Captain America and Iron Man were central to the story because they represented the two opposing views and sides.  Basically, the government comes out with the new Superhuman Registration Act (not unlike the Mutant Registration Act), which requires every superhuman to come and register their identity and their powers with the government, then they would essentially become employees of the government, sent in as a high-powered police force whenever needed.  Tony Stark gets on board with this act, and as a result he ends up running S.H.I.E.L.D., or what’s left of it at this point, and becomes the guy working with the government to convince others to get on board and to bring in those who don’t.  Captain America opposes the Act.  He feels it is an infringement of civil rights and individual liberties.  He sees secret identities as a protection for the superhumans and doesn’t think they should be forced to give it up.  Part of the marvel Universe follows Iron Man, and part of it follows Cap, Cap and his followers are breaking the law, and they become fugitives, and are forced into hiding.

The story was huge in the comics.  There are countless Civil War graphic novels that give the account of different heroes during the event, so there is a lot of potential for this storyline to be a whole phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  For sure, Captain America 3 will not be the only movie to deal with this story line, and the Avengers will never be the same after it is over.  Some of them may not survive.  No one knows for certain how this will all play out, or what Marvel is planning in the end, but it is always fun to speculate. Here are my top 3 theories for how the Civil War story will affect the MCU.

Spider-Man Will Make it into The MCU

Is it a coincidence that we have started to hear rumblings that Marvel and Sony have started talking again about Spider-Man rights right at the same time that we hear Marvel is planning to do the Civil War storyline?  For those who are familiar with the story, it should come as no surprise.  Captain America and Iron Man are the two big stars and central figures in Civil War, but the next most major role was played out by Spider-Man.  He, like many of the characters, was caught in the middle between two men that he has always looked up to.  His story was really a way for all of us to relate to what was happening in the storyline, as he had to choose which side he was on.  One of the pivotal moments in the event comes when Spider-Man, swayed at this point to get on board with the program, reveals to the world that he is Peter Parker and that he is registering with the government.


Later, Spidey realizes it was a mistake, and ends up joining up with Cap to fight against the Registration Act.  One of the things that makes Spider-Man so great is that he is so easy for the every-man to relate to.  He is really just an average guy who happens to have super powers.  As you read his story, he is trying to cut through all the confusion of super heroes on such opposite sides.  He almost represents us in the story and sees the conflict almost through our eyes.  Marvel could accomplish this with another character, and they might have to, but this may be the reason that the two sides have begun talking about it again.

Thanos and the Infinity Gems Might Bring them All Back Together

Remember this guy?


Marvel revealed that they had plans for Thanos when he showed up at the end of The Avengers. I, along with everyone else, thought he would be the big bad in Avengers 2. Right up until the y announced the name of the movie as Age of Ultron.  They like to keep us guessing, those marvel guys.  It became apparent again that they must have plans for him, as he appears in Guardians of the Galaxy. This latest news makes it seem that it will be a while before we see the Titan in an Avengers film.  He plays no role in the Civil War story line, a story line where there is no traditional villain.  I can’t imagine that Civil War will be contained in just Captain America 3, or that it will be wrapped up in time for an Infinity Gauntlet story in Avengers 3.  I think Civil War will start in Cap 3 and go through Avengers 3.  The Thanos/Infinity Gauntlet story will happen next, giving the heroes a really big bad to get united against, and bring everybody back together and begin the healing process.  It may be Avengers 4 before we see the super team square off against Thanos.

Cap’s Not Going to Make it

In the aftermath of the Civil War Storyline, in the comics, Cap is in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, and he gets assassinated as he is being brought in.


His old partner, Bucky Barnes, recently back from the dead in the Winter Soldier storyline, steps in and takes up the Captain America title.  Could this also happen in the movies?  We know Chris Evans is under contract through Avengers 3.  After that, who knows.  It could be that Marvel is just not planning on having him continue, but it could also be that they just haven’t signed him to any more contracts yet.  Sebastian Stan, on the other hand is signed on to appear in multiple Marvel films going forward, which might suggest that this is exactly the direction that Marvel is headed.  If that’s the case, Captain America may be in Avengers 4, to possibly battle Thanos, but Steve Rogers won’t be.

All of these are of course, just theories.  It’s fun to speculate, but take it all with a grain of salt.  One important thing to remember is that the Variety article states that the studio and Robert Downey, Jr. are only in talks.  They may be final talks, but nothing is confirmed yet, and without Stark, the Civli War storyline can’t work, so they may have to go in a completely different direction for Cap 3, or have it only be at the very end and lead into it in Avengers 3.  Who knows for sure.  It is exciting, though.  I really enjoyed the Civil War event in the comics.  It was interesting and different, so I am looking forward to that playing out in the films.

What are your thoughts on the announcement?  How do you think it will affect your favorite heroes in the MCU?