Category Archives: The Geek Life

Jak-isms: I don’t do Well with Change

Jak was facing a real challenge at the beginning of this year. He had just finished his first year in primary, and he was loving life as a Sunbeam. He even loved the Sunbeam theme song and would often pick it for our family home evenings. When he did, and we sang it, it was always with vigor. He loved his teachers in his Sunbeams class and he loved his classmates. After a year, he finally had this whole primary thing down. He was finally comfortable. This was both good and bad, and ultimately what was leading to his challenge. Jak likes being comfortable. He likes a routine. He likes when what happens this Sunday is the same thing that happens every Sunday. He does not like when it all changes. We know this about Jak, so we began to prepare him in November for the change that we knew was coming in January, hoping that having knowledge beforehand would help to begin to cope with it all now, and be ready for the change, and maybe even embrace it.

The week leading up to the big change, we really pushed it hard. We reminded him everyday that the change was coming, but that it was a good change, an exciting change. About Thursday or Friday, Jak had had enough. He was tired of hearing about his new class and how great it would be, and he just cracked. He got angry at me when I brought it up again. I asked him what was wrong, and at first he wouldn’t look at me. If I tried to position myself so he was looking at me, he would just rotate himself so he wasn’t. Finally, I asked him again what was wrong, and he answered. In his quiet little Jak voice, he mumbled, while looking at the floor, “Daddy, I just don’t do well with change.” That may have been an understatement, and something we all knew. The important thing, though, was that he knew. He recognized in himself that he doesn’t do well with change.

When I say he doesn’t like when things are different, when things change up all of a sudden, you’re probably thinking, well duh! Who does like constant change? No one really enjoys it when things change, but we all learn to adapt, and sometimes we even appreciate it. That’s not Jak. One might argue that he’s still a kid, so it’s pretty typical, and maybe that’s true too, but I have four other kids, and they all deal with change a lot better than Jak does. Let me give you some examples of how Jak copes with change, or doesn’t.

Jack goes to bed at pretty much the same time every night. We don’t have to put him in bed, he just goes. He walks into his bedroom and climbs under his Superman blanket, the only one he will sleep with, and lays his head down on his pillow pet, the only pillow he will use, and goes to sleep. Jak also gets up at the same time each morning. Unfortunately for us, that time is 5:00. Well, I should say, unfortunately for my wife, because Jak won’t let anyone else get him a drink, or help him get dressed or do anything. Only Mom. Jak only likes to wear Superman shirts. No other superheroes, especially not Batman. And the examples go on and on. He doesn’t just not like change, he lives in a world where change doesn’t happen. Or at least he would like to think he does.

The truth is, none of us lives in a world where change does not happen. We all live in a world where change happens constantly. There is no way around it. Jak has to learn how to adjust, but how do we help him learn that? When he is faced with change, especially sudden change, it isn’t just a grumpy reaction, it can be an all out temper tantrum. He goes into this mode where he almost forgets that the rest of the world exists, maybe even that he exists. He just cries and moans, and he doesn’t stop until, well he stops. You can’t distract him from it or really do anything to make it better. You just have to wait and ride it out. That’s all you can do. That makes it tough.

If we know the change is coming then we can help him prepare for the change, but sometimes we don’t know when the change is coming. Besides that, Jak can’t keep throwing a fit every time something happens. I think on some level he knows this. That’s why he recognizes that he doesn’t do well with change, and he needs to change that. We just get stuck on how.  I guess the only thing we can do is just be patient with him and keep helping him through the changes.

Once he accepts whatever is new, he is fine. It’s just getting him to that point. When he mentioned the other day that he didn’t do well with change, it reminded me how special this little boy really is. Sometimes, we as parents forget how special each of our kids are when we find ourselves in moments like temper tantrums. I know I do. But this was a little thing that reminded me that Jak doesn’t quite see the world the same way most people do. And that makes him pretty fantastic.

Geek on the Street: Life, the Universe, and Everything

Living in Salt Lake City is really great for a geek like myself. There are so many geeky things to go and see and do, it’s fantastic. A lot of things are probably not as well-known or as well publicized as Salt Lake Comic Con, or Salt Lake Comic Con’s Fan Xperience, or FantasyCon. That doesn’t mean they aren’t worth going to and checking out. In this edition of Geek on the Street, I took a trip down to the Life, the Universe, and Everything symposium, which was held at the Marriott Hotel in Provo, Utah. This was my experience.

First of all, it takes a lot for me to venture down south. There’s a weird feeling in Utah County, and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Something happens when you cross the Point of the Mountain, and you are just in a different world. That being said, this symposium, combined with the possibility of taking Frontrunner down, which is a real live train, none of this Trax stuff, was enough for me to take the trip.


Waiting for the train. Look how excited I am.

Unfortunately, that is the last picture I will have in this post. There are a couple of reasons for this. Number 1, I am awful at remembering to take pictures of things. I just forget for whatever reason. Or I don’t think of it, or however you want to look at it. Number 2, LtUE is not like comic con or FanX. There isn’t a lot of cosplay, or a lot of spots set up to take pictures, so there wasn’t a lot to take pictures of. That’s my story, and I’m sticking with it.

It really was a different experience. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I went down there. Part of me was picturing a Comic Con but on a much smaller scale. I guess in some ways it as like that, but not really. Yes, it had panels, like Comic Con has. Yes, it had a vendor floor like Comic Con, and an artist area and it had a game room, but each of these were different from the Comic Con counterparts. After going on Saturday, and really enjoying my time there, I guess I would say that Comic Con is just for fun, but LtUE is for people who are serious about this stuff.

What stuff?  Let me explain. If you are unfamiliar with Life, the Universe, and Everything, it is a premiere symposium for people who write Science Fiction and Fantasy. This was, I believe, the 34th annual LtUE, so it has been around for a while. I would imagine it is in Provo because BYU is in Provo, and BYU has produced a huge number of great SCi-FI and Fantasy writers. 2 massive examples would be Orson Scott Card and Brandon Sanderson. Those two would be enough, but there have been many others to come out of BYU, so the location makes sense. This gathering is not just for fun, although there is plenty of that to be had. Most of the attendees were there because they are aspiring writers who either want to start writing genre fiction, or have already written something and are now looking to make some connections to get it published. There are rooms set up for pitch meetings and quite a few publishers there, looking for some great authors to pick up here. Many of the panels had to do with furthering your career, like how to pitch your ideas, how to find an agent, or whether you are ready for an agent, and so on. There was the occasional Why are there so many sequels or Villains in film panels, but for the most part, the panels were designed to help you move your writing career along. It is a great opportunity for any aspiring writer to go and network.

Your humble blogger here, has aspirations, maybe someday, to write some fiction, so I found a lot of the information helpful. I am by no means ready to hire an agent, or try to get anything published. Mostly I write this stuff, and that’s mostly for fun. I don’t think I’m even very good at this. It is amazing, though, to be surrounded by these creative types. It makes you want to be creative and write so much. These are the real deal geeks, and I mean that in the highest respect. These are the geeks I aspire to be. They read a ton, and they write a ton. It makes me want to be a better geek. Maybe, now that I have the blog up and going, and people seem interested, maybe I am ready to branch out into fiction. Maybe I will chicken out. However, if I keep going to things like this, I might get up the nerve to finally do it, and maybe, I will just get enough guts to let other people read my stories. That’s what these kind of gatherings do. They make you feel like it is safe to share, that you can do it. That is the best part, or it was for me.

The goal with my blog originally, was for me to start writing again. My wife made me do it, because she is a loving and supportive wife, who sees my potential. She wanted me to start with the blog, but she wanted me to go further, so maybe I need to. Maybe it’s time to start down that path.

In any case, I loved my experience at LtUE. I would definitely go again. There are so many networking opportunities and it is so much more intimate in the panels and meeting the authors, than what you find at Comic Con. Comic Con is amazing, but so it LtUE. Just a different kind of amazing. I enjoy both for different reasons. I would recommend LtUE for anyone who is wanting to write genre fiction, or for anyone who has written something and they are wondering where to go next. It will help you take that next step, whatever it is.



Grey Hulk in Age of Ultron?- This Week in Geek, January 24, 2015

If you haven’t heard the latest Avengers: Age of Ultron rumor yet, then where have you been? Basically, reports have been circulating all over the inter net that the Hulk is probably, at some point in the film, end up being grey instead of his typical green self. This has caused quite the stir all over the social media, so it’s what’s happening this week in geek.

Who is the Grey Hulk?

Hulk_1_coverThe first thing you should know about this whole Grey Hulk thing is that it isn’t unprecedented or unheard of. In fact, when the Hulk premiered in comics, he was grey. That was the original color Stan Lee and Jack Kirby intended for him to be. Issues arose, however, when the books went to print.  The printer had a hard time with the grey ink, and it just didn’t work well. As a result, the original grey colored Hulk only lasted a few issues, before he was changed to the green toned, purple panted monster we know and love today. If it were any other medium, that would have been the end of it. It was a manufacturing issue, let’s just pretend the whole thing never happened. That only works if you are not dealing with a medium dominated by geeks who obsess about this kind of stuff. We need to know why the Hulk started out as grey and then became green.  We want a reason for it in the story.

the-grey-hulk-by-dale-keown-321-e1406894717736Fast Forward to the late 1980’s and early 1990’s and we get the return of the grey Hulk. Banner and the green Hulk had been separated, and this opened the door for the grey Hulk to reemerge. The grey Hulk was smarter than the green Hulk, and kind of dodgy. Eventually, he moved to Las Vegas and took on the alias of Joe Fixit, an enforcer.  Besides intelligence, one other key difference between the grey Hulk and the green Hulk is that Banner changed into the grey Hulk at night instead of when he lost control. Eventually, the grey Hulk and the green Hulk and Banner were all merged together into a new form of the Hulk that kind of took on the best of all three personalities. I remember the grey Hulk. This was the version that joined Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Ghost Rider as a member of the new Fantastic Four (it was the 90’s, a lot of weird stuff was happening in comics).

Why do we think he might be in Age of Ultron?

So, that’s who the grey Hulk is, but why, all of a sudden, do so many people believe he might make an appearance in the new Avengers flick? Well, it comes down to this:



That is an image of the upcoming line of Funko Pop! figures for Avengers: Age of Ultron. This popped up on a website called Of course the figure that jumps out the most is the big guy in the middle. The hulk, and you’ll notice that he is grey, not green. This led to an article on, which then led to multiple articles all over the web. That combined with the image going viral, and now everyone is totally bought into the idea that this is happening.  The interesting thing is everyone is connecting it to the Scarlet Witch, and that it may not really happen, but be a hallucination.  Maybe. Since we’re talking colors here, color me skeptical.

Don’t get me wrong, it could totally happen, but I just have my doubts. What we are basing all of this speculation on is this one image of one exclusive toy. That’s it. From there it has blossomed into a full-blown theory and from there, into a fact (not really, but maybe in some fans’ minds). Different stores will carry different versions of different toys and slap that exclusive label on it, and bam! instant collectible. I fear that this is more a ploy to make money than an actual spoiler. Marvel and Funko know that their fans will flock to Hot Topic to buy this one item, and it will be huge success. Fans of the classic Marvel Comics will instantly tie this figure to the grey Hulk of old, and will want it, regardless of whether this guy is actually in the film.

My biggest concern, or reason for doubt is the name of the figure. According to the above image, it is a “Hot Topic Exclusive Savage Hulk.” But he’s grey. As I mentioned in my intro to the grey Hulk above, he was smarter than the green Hulk. In fact, most fans of the comics refer to him as the grey Hulk, and the green guy, they call him the savage Hulk. Yet here we have a grey Hulk that is the savage Hulk. Unless they are ironically changing the character, it doesn’t fit. I think the Hulk we will see on film will be the green guy, and he is going to go ballistic for some reason, and be more savage than he already was. The grey Hulk won’t make an appearance, at least not in this film. That would be a great story line for a stand alone Hulk film, which would be a great thing to have. In the future, maybe phase 4 (hint, him, Marvel).

What do you think? Will we see the grey Hulk show up in Avengers 2? Or is it going to be just the plain old green one again? Let us know in the comments. We love hearing from you.

2 Follow Ups and FanX Wristbands Arrive-This Week in Geek, January 17, 2015

Good long weekend to you all, folks. I am back with the latex edition of “This Week in Geek,” and for this week we will be kind of returning to the original format in which I covered multiple stories and shared them here. That’s because I have some follow-up on a couple of features I ran last week and this week. One good, and one not so good. Plus, one new story that’s less of a story and more of a woo-hoo.

Netflix Confirms Doctor Who NOT Leaving

tv DOCTOR WHORemember last week when everyone was reporting that Doctor Who was going to be dropped from Netflix as of the end of this month? And some sites were even suggesting that maybe the show, along with other British shows, was being dropped to make room in the budget for “Friends.” Do you remember how your friendly neighborhood geeky Mormon attempted to talk all of you, my fellow Whovians, off the ledge by citing a different post on a different web site that suggested that it wasn’t so much of a drop, but an end to the existing contract, and that Netfilx was already working on a renewal? Well guess what those sites are reporting now. It turns out that it was never an issue of Netflix “dropping” the series in favor of something, but rather the end of the existing contract. A contract that was renewed, with no interruption to the ehh…Timeline…if you will. Good news for everyone, including my wife who is still trying to catch up on number 10. Allons-Y!

Spider-Man NOT Joining the Avengers, According to Sony

3317783-135251969351One of the big stories of this last week was that some deal had been struck between Marvel and Sony to make way for Spider-Man to appear in the 3rd Avengers film. The source of all the reports was the Latino Review, which has been accurate in the past. All fans of the MCU were hoping it was true. We wanted it to be true so badly. I think more than that, Marvel wants it to be true, they need it to happen, as I outlined, a little, in my post about all of this. As it turns out, according to Sony, none of this is happening. It was all based on an old rumor, and no such deal has been made. They are going to continue to muck up Spider-Man with too many villains and spin-offs, all in the name of keeping the rights to a character that is a gold mine, even if the movies tied to him kind of suck. I wish this wasn’t the case. I love Spidey, and I loved the idea of him being home where he blonds in the MCU, but it doesn’t look like that is happening again. I know, let’s just wait a couple of years, until you get close to losing those rights again, and then reboot the series with another film telling Spidey’s origin story, just so you can keep those rights. Poor Peter Parker. (Alliteration!)

My FanX Wristbands Came!

IMG_1108Oh Happy Day! For those of you who do not reside in or near Salt Lake City, Utah, this probably is not that big a deal, so I am sorry. I just wanted to share because it is getting so close now. Less than 2 weeks now, and FanX will be here. Somehow, getting the wristbands in the mail just made it feel that much closer. This will be the 4th major comic-type convention we have had here in Salt Lake, and my third time attending. I am getting better as an attendee with each one. As it gets closer, i will probably write more about it, and probably revise and update my convention survival checklist. As someone who is attending the con, I will also let you know how it went. I am particularly looking forward to our Doctor Who Ultimate “Xperience” which features Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and Billie Piper. It should be loads of fun. I can’t wait for it.

Well, that’s it for this week. Hopefully we’ll have just good news next week, and not a downer story like Spider-Man never coming to the MCU.


Is Doctor Who Leaving Netflix?-This Week in Geek January 10, 2015

A couple of years ago, I was working the graveyard shift in a call center where we didn’t get a lot of calls, and on the weekends, we really didn’t have a lot of other work to do either. Our manager was pretty lenient on what we could do, as long as we stayed awake and were ready to answer a call when it came in. Also, during this time, I was looking for something new and different to get into. I kept hearing about this “Doctor Who” show, and so I wondered what all the fuss was about. The only thing I knew about Doctor Who was that it was on PBS late at The-Fourth-Doctor-doctor-who-22491789-800-600night on Saturdays and it always looked really old. And he had a really long scarf. From what I had seen as a kid on PBS, it just looked really low-budget and I just wasn’t interested. So, now I wondered about this new “reboot” that had been happening and I noticed that it was getting a lot of attention from geeks everywhere. I wanted to know if it was any good. I thought about checking it out from the library but didn’t know when I would have the time to watch it. Then I heard it was on Netflix, and thought that might be doubly useful for me. Well, I was actually on a website similar to Flixboss and I saw Doctor Who pop up on the screen. I couldn’t believe it was coming to Netflix – I was so excited! On the one hand, it would be an easy way to watch the show at my pace, and on the other hand, it would give me something to watch on the weekends at work, as I could stream it on my phone. I also had one of the htc packages which provided great internet speed, so I could watch it at home too. I was in. I signed up for Netflix just to watch Doctor Who.

I always see a lot of people recommending which episodes to begin with (by and large “Blink” seems to be the number one choice), but I can’t do that. I wanted to watch the show from the beginning. So I started doing a little research into Doctor Who and found out the beginning was 1963, and there was a lot to catch up on, and Netflix didn’t have it all. So I comp6a00e00980ab4f883300e54f3ed2178834-800wiromised, and I started at the new beginning, with Christopher Eccleston. It seemed like a good place to pick up. I wasn’t sure what I thought about the show to begin with. The effects still looked low-grade, but the stories were interesting. I loved the Doctor. Eccleston nailed it, I thought. He was quirky and weird, but not over the top. At the same time he was really cool. I think because of his cool leather jacket. In the beginning, I couldn’t quite get a grasp on this Doctor character, though. Was he a good guy, or really not so great? Then I got to “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” episodes, and that’s when I got who the Doctor was and is, and I was hooked. Doctor Who was becoming my new favorite show ever. My new obsession (my says I tend to get obsessed at times). All of that happened thanks to Netflix. I would have never gotten into Doctor Who if they had not had it available to stream. I wouldn’t have begun my subscription to Netflix if they had not had it available.

As I am sure many of you are aware, there has been quite the recent uproar on the internet about Doctor Who on Netflix. What it basically comes down to is this: if you go into Netflix and matt-smith-david-tennant-and-john-hurt-star-in-new-trailer-for-doctor-who-special-watch-now-148270-a-1384157151-470-75search for Doctor Who (Maybe it’s in your queue, so you won’t have to search), and then hover over it, a little word bubble opens with a description of the series and some other information. Included in that other information is the “Availability,” which says “Until 2/1/2015.” That has sent fans of the show into a frenzy. No one wants to lose access to the show through Netflix. Surely you have seen social media posts about this and petitions to Netflix to keep the series, but there has been little news about the series staying. We all know that Netflix cycles through its offerings, but it just seems shocking that they wouldn’t want to keep this series. Sometimes, though, they don’t have a choice. The contract ends, the distributing people don’t want to renew, and that’s it. That is worst case scenario for anything Netflix has.

There are few reports coming out now that it may not be so dire for Doctor Who, and all of the BBC programming on Netflix. According to the web site “The Best of Netflix,” a source has confirmed that Netflix and BBC are in talks to renew their contract for Doctor Who. Netflix realizes this is a super popular show, and BBC realizes that Netflix is a key outlet for growing the fan base of the show, particularly in the United States. According to the article, it is not uncommon for these types of negotiations to come down to the last minute like this. The source comments that the talks could possibly bring an immediate renewal, so the series will not be removed, but if it is a deal will be struck within months, possibly weeks to get the show back on the streaming service. The deal, according to the same source, will be a package deal, not just for Doctor Who, but all the BBC properties Netflix currently offers.

So, hopefully a deal will be done between now and February 1, and there will be no interruption of streaming, but if it does go off the service, don’t worry, it will be coming back. This couldn’t come at a worse time. This is that time between series, so series 8 has just ended and we just had the Christmas special, and it probably won’t be until fall that we get Series 9. Netflix was a place to go to get Doctor Who in the mean time. Hopefully they will get it back quickly. If you are concerned, by all means let Netflix know. It cannot be over communicated how much having this show means to people. We don’t want to think that it looks like everything will be worked out, so we can sit back and relax now, and then everything is not worked out because the heat was taken off them to make a deal.

My Geeky Christmas

Well, Christmas has officially come and is now gone for 2014.  Can you believe it?  This year felt weird in my part of the galaxy.  We normally have a couple of really good snowstorms by the time Christmas rolls around.  This year we had nothing until Christmas day, so it was harder to get in that Christmasy feeling.  Oh, well.  We managed alright.  I wanted to jump on here and share my Geeky Christmas with all of you.  For the first time in quite a few years, my wife and I agreed to get presents for each other.  Normally, we put all our efforts and resources into getting Christmas for the kids, but this year we felt like we could do something for each other.  My wife knocked it out of the park with her gifts.  Mine was a noble effort, but I think it missed the mark.  I wanted to share with you what my wife did this year for Christmas.

X-Wing and Millenium Falcon Prints from the Patent Office Etsy Shop.



My wife knows  how much I love Star Wars, and wanted to find me something great this year for Christmas that is Star Wars related.  Specifically, she wanted to find something that I could hang on my “Geek Wall” in my office. It is a wall full of art from all the fandoms  I love. She read through my Star Wars gift list, but she wanted to find something on her own.  So she checked out Etsy an came across this little shop, called The Patent Office.  They have a bunch of Star Wars themed pictures like the ones pictured above.  I think they look really cool.  You have the option to get the print of your choice in vintage (an older looking off-white background), Blackboard (obviously, the one my wife chose, which shouldn’t be surprising when looking at my blog’s color scheme), or blueprint (it looks like it is on blueprint paper).  They have a ton of different ships, as well as other Star Wars tech like a lightsaber or Luke’s helmet.  They also have things like the Pulse Gun from Alien or Batman’s cowl.  I was really pleased when I opened these and they will make a great addition to the wall.

Tree of Gondor Print


As another addition to my Geek Wall, my wife put together this little print of the Tree of Gondor.  I love this symbol for Lord of the Rings, and I was really excited when I saw it.  This print was only a 5×7, but that’s good, as my wall is running low on space.  Erica didn’t find this in any store online or anything.  She put this together on her own.  She put the tree on a background she found online, and then had the print printed out at Walmart.  She experimented with different backgrounds but settle on the grey background.  I think it turned out great.

Baby Groot

This picture will be coming soon.  I already took this in to my office at work, so i will need to take a picture later and add it to this post.  This gift I knew about because Jak, not knowing any better, mentioned to me that Mommy was making a baby Groot.  He didn’t know she was making it as a Christmas present.  It turned out great.  She found a pattern online and then crocheted the little guy, and then added him to a little pot.  The whole thing looks great, which you all will see someday.

That was my Geeky Christmas.  What about you?  Did you receive any geeky gifts for your holiday celebrations?  I hope so.  Feel free to share them in the comments.  I would love to hear about them.

This Week in Geek- We Went Back to Space

Image Courtesy of

Image Courtesy of

What a momentous occasion.  3 years ago, with the completion of the Space Shuttle program, it looked like our days of heading to outer space were through.  We were now living in a world where flying into the cosmos was not a high priority, and the funding just couldn’t be spared to make that sort of stuff happen.  Most people in America simply did not care about space exploration any more.  It was a sad day for geeks like me.  When I was a kid, watching shows like Star Trek, all I dreamed about was one day going into space.  All of a sudden it look like no one would be doing that any more, at least no Americans.  It was just really too bad.

Flash forward 3 years, and the space program is back on track.  This last week witnessed the first test flight of the new Orion Spacecraft.  This vessel went further into space than any other vessel has since Apollo 17, 42 years ago.  The plan is to continue to test Orion over the next few years, and then in the 2020’s, we will send a crew to an asteroid that is currently orbiting our moon, and then in the 2030’s we will land someone on Mars.  This timeline is both exciting and disappointing.  It took less than 10 years from when Kennedy said we would put a man on the moon until we put a man on the moon.  This process to get to Mars will take us at least 16 years, possibly 20.  I understand that Mars is a lot further away than the moon is, but a big reason why there is such delay is budgeting constraints.

I am a big believer in the Space Program.  I think we need it, because it helps us to strive for something bigger than ourselves. It brings us together in ways that nothing else can.  How many people who witnessed the first moon landing have anything negative to say about it?  I mean except for the people out there who believe the whole thing was faked (Most of those folks did not witness it).  People who saw it were inspirited by it.  When we landed on the moon, we began to believe we could do anything, and when we all come together to accomplish something, we can do everything.

I am a big Star Trek fan (A Trek fan, not a Trekker and never a Trekkie), and one of my favorite Star Trek movies is First Contact. This movie involves time travel and has the crew going back in time to the historic day of “First Contact,” the day when Humans encountered an Alien species for the first time, officially.


The Borg go back to this time to stop this from happening because it is a pivotal moment.  The crew of the Enterprise go back to stop the Borg, because this is the moment where everything changes.  All the warring factions stop fighting and the people of Earth come together because they realize that they are not alone in the universe, and that is a uniting thing.  Because of this event, they go further out into space and eventually become the central race of the United Federation of Planets.

I feel like going out into space, exploring, it brings us together.  Helps us to see a much bigger picture.  We are so small compared to what’s out there.  And sending people into space reminds us of that, but it reminds us too, that when we come together, we can do some amazing things. This country needs NASA and the space program now, more than ever.  We need something bigger than ourselves to strive for, something that will bring us together, help us to see that our prejudices, our disagreements are all really so small.

Seeing the footage of Orion launch, and seeing some of the pictures that were taken from Orion, it made me proud to be an American again.  We were leaders in the race to the Moon, and we can be leaders in the race to Mars as well.  Orion may have just been the first step in us expanding beyond this world and possibly reach further than we have reached before.  I wish the whole process was more accelerated, but at least there is movement.  At least it’s not 3 years ago when it looked like NASA was done for good.  For the first time in a long time I am excited about the Space Program in our country, and I am excited about what that might mean, as an American, and as  geek.

This Week in Geek- November 8, 2014

It was a busy week in the world of geek.  Lots of big announcements, and a few things you may have missed.  Let’s take a look back on the week that was November 2-November 8.

Star Wars VII Gets a New Name

In arguably the biggest story of the week, Star Wars Episode VII received a title, or at least the title was made public.  The film is a little over a year away, but geeks and nerds everywhere are anxiously anticipating the release, and the title reveal only adds to that anticipation.  The name was made known on, along with the news that principal photography has been completed and we may be getting a teaser trailer soon.  Just in case you missed the reveal, here is the title in all its glory:


What do you think?  Personally, I think the title is promising.  Way better than Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones (Easily the worst Star Wars title ever).  The Force Awakens sounds great, and I can’t wait for next December.

Toy Story 4 Announced for Summer 2017


Remember how you felt at the end of Toy Story 3?  If it was anything like how I felt, it was contentment.  It felt like a good ending to the Toy Story films.  It wrapped everything up, and it felt like a conclusion, albeit, an emotional one, but a happy one.  The movie was hugely successful, netting over $1 Billion worldwide.  So what do big movie makers do when a film does so well?  They say, “Forget how well we wrapped that up, let’s make another sequel.”  In a move that surprised no one, Disney announced this week that Toy Story 4 was on its way.  The good news is that there’s hope for this film as John Lasseter is returning to direct the film. It is due out in June of 2017.

The Joker Set to Appear Again on the Big Screen


Reports have come in this week stating that Jared Leto may be playing the Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad film. This tells us a couple of things, one being that the Joker will be appearing in the DC Multiverse.  It makes me wonder if he might make an appearance in the upcoming Batman v. Superman movie first, or if Batman’s greatest foe will really be introduced to us in Suicide Squad. I guess we will have to wait and see. The film set to be released in August, 2016.  What do you think, is Jared Leto up for the role?


Final The Hobbit Trailer is Released Ahead of December Release

The latest, and assumed final, trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies was released by Warner Bros. earlier this week.  This is the final chapter in the Hobbit Trilogy, bringing the adventure to its end.  It looks pretty exciting, and I can’t wait. Although there is something bittersweet about the trilogy ending.  Who knows when we will see another Fantasy epic like this again?

Is Benedict Cumberbatch Playing Doctor Strange?


Rumors having been flying for a while about who would be playing the Sorcerer Supreme.  They have ranged from Keanu Reeves to Collin Firth.  It now appears Marvel has set their sights squarely on Benedict Cumberbatch.  So, this means, if the rumors pan out, Benedict Cumberbatch has successfully conquered every facet of geekdom.  He will become our king, and we will have to bow down to him. Of course, it could all be rumors and there could be no truth to it whatsoever.

Holiday Movie Season has Arrived

Other than Summer time, the Holiday Season is the time for big budget films.  This year’s round has officially begun with the arrival of two geek centric flicks.  Interstellar and Disney/Marvel’s Big Hero Six both opened on November 6.  Neither scored exceptionally well with the critics, but both should be big hits.  As a refresher, here are the trailers for each film:

Which one will you be seeing this weekend, or are you saving your cinema cash for being things coming?

ICYMI: THE OSU Does Star Trek

If you didn’t see this, it’s just cool. Ohio State University has one of the best marching bands ever, and what they do with their formations is just incredible.  Last Saturday, they performed a halftime show based on some Sci Fi films, including Star Trek.  Definitely worth a look and listen:

That will wrap up this week’s look back on what’s been happening.  Let me know your thoughts or if I missed anything in the comments below.


Geek on the Street: Black Cat Comics


Welcome to Geek on the Street, a regular feature that covers local geekery on the street level.  This post will focus on one of our local comic book stores, Black Cat Comics.  The store is located in the Sugar House area at 2261 Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UT and they are open from 11 am to 7 pm Monday through Saturday, and 12 pm to 5 pm Sunday.

Black Cat comics opened their doors in 2004 and have established themselves as a staple in the comic book community.  The staff is typically very knowledgeable and helpful.  They are always willing to share their opinions, crack a joke, or help find whatever it is you are looking for.  The store itself is exactly what it says it is: comics.  Don’t expect a lot of extras or fluffy stuff when you come here.  If you are looking for a store that will sell you a bunch of comics related stuff, but very few actual comics, don’t come here.  They are pretty much straight up comics.  The layout of the store reflects this attitude.  When you walk in, at first glance, the store isn’t anything spectacular.  The west wall of the store is lined completely with the latest series and issues of comics, back to front.  The front wall is the location for one small cabinet that houses a few collectible statues and busts.  Toward the front of the east wall is where the kid’s comics are located, then going toward the back is a section for manga, then a small action figure section, and finally a few shelves of graphic novels.  The back wall of the store is where the register is located, complete with anywhere from 1-4 employees depending on the day.  More often than not, one of the employees is actually the owner, Greg Gage. Just to the left of the register is the bargain bins, containing thousands of comics for 25 cents.  The middle of the store is filled with one big section of tables, stacked with boxes, both on the tables and underneath, all containing back issues of series.  When you walk in, like I said, the only thing spectacular about the store is the amount of comics.  Some might view it as a negative that the store carries almost exclusively just comics, but I like it.  I think there are too many stores that claim to comic book stores that focus too much on the other stuff.  I don’t go to a comic book store to look for a collectible ice-cube tray.  I go to find comic books.  Period.

One of the highlights of Black Cat Comics is the super friendly and helpful staff.  I started coming here a couple of years ago when I was working in the area, so it was out of convenience more than anything else.  I have since moved on to other positions that have taken me away from that area, and I don’t really live that close, but I keep coming back because I like the people here.  Greg is one of the friendliest business owners you’ll meet.  He knows me by name there, and always asks about my kids or we talk about the latest movies or announcements or whatever.  It seems like he works hard at employing staff that treat his customers the same way he would, which is smart business as well.  It is also refreshing that the staff there know their comics.  I had a great conversation about women in comics with one of his employees the last time I went in there, and she was an expert.  She knew a lot of the history, and could talk about the current stuff too.  It was cool.  The staff is a major plus here.

The pricing here also seems fair.  I’ll admit, I don’t buy a lot of collectible issues or things like that.  At this point in my life, I can just afford a few current issues that I buy there at the retail price.  However, when listening to Greg make deals on the items he buys from people who bring them in, it sounds fair.  Yes, Black Cat Comics is a for profit business.  This is how Greg makes his living, so they do try to make money off their items.  Just like any other store.  It just doesn’t seem as ridiculous as other comics establishments.

Black Cat Comics is a great store with a loyal following.  The store presentation may be bait underwhelming.  I personally like it, but I can understand how it can be.  In fact, I felt that way when I started going, but it’s grown on me. The staff and selection make up for it though.  Overall, I would recommend Black Cat to my friends, and often do.  Go stop by, check them out.  Tell them Jake sent you.  They won’t give you a discount or anything like that, I’ve just always wanted to say something like that.


This Week in Geek-Week Ending 10/11

Another week is in the books, and as always there was plenty going on in the world of geek.  Here are just a few of the stories from this last week, ICYMI (I think that’s In Case You Missed It, BTW).

Tomorrowland Teaser Premieres


Not only did we get our first production photos for Brad Bird’s much anticipated Tomorrowland film, we also got the first teaser trailer as well.  No one is entirely sure what the film is about, and if you were hoping that the trailer would help clear all of that up, you may be disappointed. If anything, it just raises more questions.  One thin I know for sure, if the film is directed by Brad Bird and it stars George Clooney, well, let’s just say, I know where I’ll be on May 22, 2015.  Check out the teaser below:

Guardians of the Galaxy Coming to the Small Screen


Can’t get enough of Starlord and his friends?  Then Marvel and Disney have some great news for you.  Guardians go the Galaxy is getting its own animated series.  That’s right, the super hero team that no one had ever heard of before August is getting its own series.  Just like Spider-Man and the Avengers and other flagship characters of the Marvel Universe.  Test footage was released this week at NYCC.  Check it out here:

Comic Con Takes Over the Big Apple


Probably the country’s second most well known Comic Convention, New York Comic Con started this week on Thursday and runs through Sunday, October 12.  Because of the location, all the stars are out and there is plenty going on.  Also, look for some major announcements, similar to what we see during SDCC.  In fact, the above footage of Guardians of the Galaxy was released during NYCC this year.  for more details on the con, check out their web site.

The Flash Premiers on The CW


DC has expanded its live action TV presence this fall, first with Gotham and now with The Flash in addition to the already hit series Arrow. The Flash premiered on Tuesday in its normal spot, and is a “spinoff” from Arrow, as we first met Barry Allen last season on the series, and got a hint that he would be returning, at least in some fashion, as the Flash.  Fan boys everywhere rejoiced when the series was announce, and it did not disappoint.  At least the pilot didn’t.  There was a lot of nods to the original source material, and I for one, am looking forward to next week.

Vader is Back


The well received Star Wars Rebels:Spark of Rebellion is going to be rebroadcast nationally on ABC, and as a special treat, a new scene will be added, featuring none other than Vader himself.  And to make it even better, James Earl Jones will be adding his voice to the scene.  I mean, really, who else could do it?  Nobody, that’s who. The announcement came earlier this week.

Brainiac, not Darkseid Will be the Big Bad in Justice League Movie


Previously, it was believed that Darkseid was going to be the big baddie in the upcoming Justice League movie.  However, at least one recent report is now saying that Brainiac will be the featured foe in the film. According to the report, Brainiac will be responding to the same beacon that brought General Zod in Man of Steel.  The Justice League movie is still a ways off, so a lot can change between now and then, so take the report with a grain of salt.

Get Your Own Baby Groot, Complete with Moves


In a move that just obviously makes sense, dancing Baby Groot is coming to retailer near you, just in time for the holidays.  This has been one of the most popular scenes from the film, so it makes sense that Marvel would want to market something like this.  It looks to be priced around $15, making it a great gift for any of the Guardians of the Galaxy fans in your life.  Check out the video below:

That’ll do it for this week.  Come back again next Saturday and see what else you might have missed in the world of geek.  Have a geeky weekend!